Using the Customer Program Summary Portal

The Customer Program Summary portal is used to view customer information, such as currently enrolled programs, programs the customer is eligible to enroll in, and program activity, such as specific events in which the customer participated.

To access the Customer Program Summary portal, select Main, select Dashboards, and select Customer Program Summary. Once you've selected this menu option, you're immediately brought to the initial tab of the portal.

The Customer Program Summary portal displays information about the customer on which you are currently working. This is customer currently “in context” or the customer most recently viewed on any of the following portals: Controllable Asset, Device Location, Metered Service, Metered Service Point, Program Subscription, or Program Subscription Contact, The Digital Asset Management Full Context Zone dashboard zone also dispays information about the customer currently in context.

The Customer Program Summary portal includes the following zones:

  • Current Enrollment: This zone displays current program enrollment for the customer (for a single location). Each program enrollment is displayed in a separate Information box. Click Unenroll to unenroll the customer from a program. Click Service Call to initiate a service call for a program.

  • Customer Insights: This zone displays any currently in progress service tasks and work activites related to enrollment or unenrollment. Options on this zone include:

    • Go To: Used to navigate to the Process Flow for the enrollment/unenrollment or to the work activty.
    • Cancel: Opens the Cancel "In Progress" Service Task window that allows the user to cancel the enrollment/unenrollment service task. This also creates a contact communication record as part of this.
    • Reschedule: Opens the Reschedule "In Progress" Service Task window. Allows the user to specify a new date for the start date of the program subscription. This also creates a contact communication record as part of this.
  • Eligible Programs: This zone displays programs for which the customer is eligible based on currently installed devices (at a single metered service point). Click Enroll to enroll the customer in a program.

  • Customer Program Activity: This zone displays the customer’s activity in the programs in which they are enrolled. This includes a graphic view of the percentage of successful vs. non-successful event participation (referred to “non-responsive device” or “NRD”), as well as a list of the events in which the customer participated, and other activity such as device installation.