GIS Map Viewer

The GIS Map Viewer is embedded within the Work and Asset Management application and provides a method to view WAM assets and work information based on geospatial mapping. This means that once the GIS Map Viewer is opened in the application, users can go directly from either the Asset, Asset Location, Work Activity, Work Request, or Service Call portals from the View in Map button, or from the Add Design Element (Map) button from the Work Design to the map. Maps generally consist of a base map plus feature layers which can overlay the base to show various map features such as work locations, infrastructure, and assets.

You can access the portal from Menu, then click GIS Map Viewer. You are brought to a map with options for searching and viewing work, assets, work locations, and so on.

Common Tools

Common tools for navigating the Map Viewer are as follows:

  • Zoom In / Zoom Out lets the user zoom in to the map to see more mapping details around the current location and zoom out gives a broader high-level view of the current location and surrounding areas.

  • Zoom to Previous / Zoom to Next works similarly to the History button in the Work and Asset Management application in that it takes the user to and from previous map location extents.
  • Overview Map displays when an arrow in the upper right hand corner of the map is clicked. Click the Maximize icon in the overview window to expand the map to your current view. Click the icon again to restore the display to the map overview. Overview Map provides a larger context of the user's current position on the map. User can click a new location within the overview map and, the highlighted box as well as their current map view will move to the new location.
  • Home returns the user to their default map position and extent.
  • Save Extent saves the current map extent and zoom setting as the user's default Home extent.

  • Select provides options for the selection of assets on the map. The Select icon changes to whatever option is selected, for example, changes to polygon icon when polygon is selected. To relocate the popup on the map, press and hold the Select popup header bar and drag the popup to a new location. Select options are as follows:

    • Rectangle provides selection of assets in a rectangular area to display in the list (default setting).

    • Freehand provides selection of assets the user chooses to display in the list.

    • Polygon provides selection of assets in a polygon area to display in the list.

    • Location provides selection of assets in a particular location to display in the list.

    • Create New Selection/Add to Current Location provides ability to add or remove selected objects from the current selection or to create a new selection. Selection is made by going to the map and pressing down to start the selection and letting go to finish the selection.

  • Drop Pin enables selection of an exact point or location on the map. Selecting the Drop Pin option enables a Work Location row on the Asset panel where users are provided options to either create a New Location or select an Existing Location in which to create work:

    • Clicking New Location prompts the user to drop a pin at a new location on the map. New locations display a lat/lon in the work location row and from here the user can create a work request, create a service call, or click Choose an Action at the bottom of the page to create a work order or work activity. All work created for a new location will include the lat/lon coordinates and create the new work location.

    • Clicking Existing Location prompts the user to drop a pin at an existing work location on the map. Existing locations display the work location info string in the work location row and from here the user can create work by selecting the work request or service call icons or by selecting Choose an Action at the bottom of the page to create a work order or work activity. All work created for an existing location will include the work location.

  • Clear List removes work or assets that are listed and any highlighted objects from the map.

  • Search is a local and global search box. Users can use the Search drop-down to query their local GIS data, such as poles, hydrants, and substations, or search globally for any address or for the name of a place depending on the search map url domain that is used. Multiple search map url domains can be configured and will display in the list however, if none are configured, the default search map url domain (https://geocode.arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer) can be used. The system also supports the use of coordinates, such as latitude, longitude, or x,y, to navigate to search locations using the configured service capabilities.

    The address search is especially useful in cases where users need to find a location based on a customer’s description. For example, if a customer calls in about a trouble situation (for instance, a water leak, live electricity, and so on), the user can enter the address details provided by the customer to pinpoint the location of the issue. The work that is created can then be attached to the closest asset in the proximity of the issue.

Dashboard Panels

Dashboard panels enable users to take various actions based on individual panels within the map viewer.

Asset Panel enables display and management of assets that were selected using one of the Select options listed under the General Tools section. Once selected, these assets are highlighted on the map in the color defined for Selected Assets in the Esri WAM Master Configuration. Hovering over an asset record in the Asset panel also highlights that asset on the map in the color defined for Highlighted Assets. Selecting an asset directly on the map highlights the asset on the map, brings that asset record and any related assets to the top of the Asset panel, and also enables a separate popup on the map which is populated with a variety of asset and location details provided by Esri. The map popup is controlled from the Layers panel and displays for any given layer only when enabled. Each asset record listed in the Asset panel has its own link that navigates the user to the maintenance portal for the asset. The Asset panel also displays actions that are applicable for the list of assets as a whole as well as for individual assets within the selected group.

  • Group Actions

    • Sort menu provides ascending or descending sorting options of asset's info string or asset's high or low condition rating. Default sort order has the asset info string displayed first in the list and then locations without assets at the bottom.
    • Filters option limits the list of assets and locations meeting the specific criteria. Filters can be set to view only assets of a particular asset type, badge number, location type, or condition rating or range. The filter can be saved so it can be used again, set as the user's default filter, or deleted if no longer needed. Filters also include a Show Advanced Filter Options hyperlink that enables a popup providing for additional characteristics filter criteria. If there is no active selection, clicking the Apply button in filters will automatically select all the assets and locations in the current map extent (To enable this automatic selection feature, set the Enable Auto Load option in the User Characteristics to Yes).

    • Edit List Data brings up an editable listing of the group of selected assets. Additional assets can be added to this list or existing assets can be removed from the list. When the user is ready, buttons at the bottom of the list let the user Save the list, Create a Work Order for the listed assets, Create a Work Activity for the listed assets, or Cancel out of the list altogether.
    • Choose an Action button at the bottom of the Asset panel is used to either create a work order or to create a work activity for the group of assets listed in this panel.
  • Individual Actions

    • Remove Row removes the asset from the list. Asset is highlighted on the map, prior to removal, so the user can see which asset is affected.

    • Show More Options can be used to Zoom To the asset location on the map, Quick View displays a popup populated with the asset's header details, Create Work Request, Create Service Call, and Create Work Order from Template enables the user to create those objects for the selected asset, and Details displays a popup populated with the asset's item details.

Work Activity Panel is used to display and manage the work activities selected directly from the map or populated indirectly as a result of the Asset panel selection. These work activities display in the Work Activity list panel and are highlighted on the map. Selecting any work activity in the list will highlight its related asset on the map. Selecting any one of these assets on the map highlights the asset in a separate color on the map and brings all the related work activity records to the top of the Work Activity panel and highlights them. It also enables a separate popup on the map which is populated with a variety of asset and location details provided by Esri. Each work activity record has its own link that navigates the user to either the maintenance portal for the activity or maintenance portal for the asset. The Work Activity panel also displays actions that are applicable for the list of activities as a whole as well as for individual assets within the selected group.

  • Group Actions

    • Sort menu provides ascending or descending sorting options of activity information or the work activity's high or low work priority rating. Default sort order is A-Z based on the work activity info string.
    • Filters option limits the list of work activities meeting the specific criteria. Filters can be set to view work activities having a particular work order number, priority, status, and To and From dates with options to Apply the filter to the map, Reset the filter, or Cancel the filter altogether.

  • Individual Actions

    • Zoom To icon zooms in to the work location.

    • Show More Options displays a Quick View popup populated with the work activity details, Highlight Related Assets displays all the related assets to the activity in a different color on the map, and Details displays a popup populated with the activity details and other activities around that location.

Work Request Panel is used to display and manage the work requests selected directly from the map or populated indirectly as a result of a selection from another panel. These work requests display in the Work Request list panel and are highlighted on the map. Selecting any work request in the list will highlight its related asset on the map. Selecting any one of these assets on the map highlights the asset in a separate color on the map and brings all the related work request records to the top of the Work Request panel and highlights them. It also enables a separate popup on the map which is populated with a variety of asset and location details provided by Esri. Each work request record has its own link that navigates the user to either the maintenance portal for the request or maintenance portal for the asset. The Work Request panel also displays actions that are applicable for the list of requests as a whole as well as for individual requests within the selected group.

  • Group Actions

    • Sort menu provides ascending or descending sorting options of work request information or the work request's high or low work priority rating. Default sort order is A-Z based on the work request info string.
    • Filters option limits the list of work requests meeting the specific criteria. Filters can be set to view work priority, status, and To and From dates with options to Apply the filter to the map, Reset the filter, or Cancel the filter altogether.

  • Individual Actions

    • Zoom To icon zooms in to the work location.

    • Show More Options displays a Quick View popup populated with the work request details and Details displays a popup populated with work request details and other work activities around that location.

Service Calls Panel is used to display and manage the service calls selected directly from the map or populated indirectly as a result of a selection from another panel. These service calls display in the Service Call list panel and are highlighted on the map. Selecting any service call in the list will highlight its related asset on the map. Selecting any one of these assets on the map highlights the asset in a separate color on the map and brings all related service call records to the top of the Service Call panel and highlights them. It also enables a separate popup on the map which is populated with a variety of asset and location details provided by Esri. Each service call record has its own link that navigates the user to either the maintenance portal for the service call or maintenance portal for the asset associated with the call. The Service Call panel also displays actions that are applicable for the list of service calls as a whole as well as for individual service calls within the selected group.

  • Group Actions

    • Sort menu provides ascending or descending sorting options of service call info or the service call's high or low work priority rating. Default sort order is A-Z based on the service call info string.
    • Filters option imits the list of service calls meeting the specific criteria. Filters can be set to view service category, status, and To and From dates with options to Apply the filter to the map, Reset the filter, or Cancel the filter altogether.

  • Individual Actions

    • Zoom To icon zooms in to the service call location.

    • Show More Options displays a Quick View popup populated with the service call details and Details displays a popup populated with details about the service call and other service calls around that location.

Layers Panel enables operational map feature layers that can be turned on or turned off when viewing the map. The Show More Options menus for each layer displays a Zoom To option which is used to zoom the map to the full extent of that particular layer, Transparency changes the opacity or transparency of that particular layer shown in the map, and Disable Popup enables or disables the popup for the particular layer.

  • Select WebMap provides the type of operational mapping features that will be visible on the map. For example, a water distribution WebMap might display layers for hydrants, valves, and pumps while an electric distribution WebMap might show poles, transformers, and substations. Each operational layer associated with the selected WebMap is populated on the Layers panel and can be toggled on and off using the appropriate selection boxes.

Map Notes Panel provides a way to call attention to objects on the map. For example, if an asset needs painted or a manhole cover is missing. Map note information can be accessed by clicking on the map note in the map.
Note: One thing to be mindful of is that Map Notes is a layer in the map and this panel allows for the addition, deletion, or updating of map notes features which are stored in GIS. Map Notes can be hidden or displayed using the selection box in the Layers panel, but they will remain in the GIS database until they are deleted by the user.
  • Tooltips is located under the Settings option and works as a toggle to turn on or off a tooltip for a map note that is being created. When the tooltip feature is enabled, the user can see the size and scale of the map note as it is being created and make adjustments. This feature does not display once the map note is created.
  • Edit features provides the Select option for managing the updating and deleting of existing map notes.

    • To Update the map note, click Select under Edit features,go to the map and click the map note (This highlights the note on the map). Edit the information on the map note and then click Update and then click the page back panel button to finish.
    • To Delete the map note from the map, click Select under Edit features,go to the map and click the map note (This highlights the note on the map). Select Delete to remove the note from the system. Note that the Delete option gives a warning to ensure whether the map note should be deleted.

  • Create features enables filtering of note templates defined within the Map Notes section of the Map Notes panel (Note this section label equals the layer name). An example in using one of these templates would be, user enters Damaged Asset as the filter type and only the Damaged Asset template will display in the Map Notes section.

    Map Notes is a predefined list of map note templates that work similarly to a toggle. When a particular map note is selected, it enables the map note to be created on the map. This map note will continue to create map notes until the user reselects that particular map note template again, which will turn that map note off.

    • Add a map note by clicking one of the listed icons in the Map Notes section of the panel, go to the map and start clicking the map according to the object you selected, then double-click to finish. For example, if you selected an oval, you would start clicking around the circumference of the object you want the map note to reference and if you selected a line you would start your click on one endpoint and then the other endpoint. (Map note on the map is highlighted and the Add, Update, or Delete panel displays to allow specific comments and other information to be entered).
    • Click Create when finished (Map note is created on the map and the information is saved to the GIS database).
    • Reselect the previously selected Map Note template on the panel to toggle off the feature.

  • Export to file creates a snapshot of the map for export. Selection of Export to file enables a popup where the user can give the export a title and select from a variety of different layouts and formats based on print service options. When ready, the user can click on Export to render the file for view.

Draw Graphics Panel provides eight temporary graphics that can be used to make notations or highlight areas on the map. Selection of a graphic works similarly to that of map notes in that when a particular graphic is selected, it enables creation of the graphic on the map and continues to create the graphic on the map until the user reselects that particular graphic to turn it off. Each graphic is unique and includes additional options, such as Color, Text Size, Outline Width, and so on, that can be used to highlight the graphic on the map.

Two additional options are provided for editing and deleting the graphics on the map as well as an Export to file button.

  • An Edit Graphics icon is available if the graphic needs to be updated with a special toggle to Preserve the Aspect Ration of the graphic on the map.

  • Delete graphic can be used to remove all graphics on the map for that session.

  • Export to file creates a snapshot of the map for export. Selection of Export to file enables a popup where the user can give the export a title and select from a variety of different layouts and formats based on print service options. When ready, the user can click on Export to render the file for view.

General Highlighting Details

Custom colors for Selected Assets, Assets with Work, Highlighted Assets, and Highlighted Related Assets are configured in the Master Configuration.

  • Hovering over a result in the Asset panel displays the result on the map in the color configured for Highlighted Assets on the map.

  • Selecting results from the Asset panel displays map features that have a corresponding Asset Location in Work and Asset Management application. The selected assets are displayed in the color configured for Selected Assets. However, map features will not display if the asset location is not found in Work and Asset Management.

  • If you make a selection on the Asset panel and then navigate to one of the work panels, the selection from the Asset panel is maintained. The assets that have related work created are displayed in the color configured for Assets with Work. For example, if you are on the Asset panel and use the selection to select 20 map features but only 12 are mapped in Work and Asset Management, the 12 features will be highlighted in the Selected Assets color. If you click on one of the work panels, the 12 features will be retained. If 4 of the 12 features have related work, then the 4 features will be highlighted in the Assets with Work color. The remaining 8 features will remain highlighted in the Selected Assets color. If you click back to the Asset panel, all 12 features will be highlighted in the Selected Assets color.

  • Assets that are associated with an activity record in one of the work tabs are highlighted in the Highlighted Related Assets color on the map. The related assets for an activity can be highlighted using the Highlighted Assets icon, which appears for each of the activity records in any of the work panel results.
  • If you make a selection on one of the work panels and then navigate to the Asset panel, the system will retain the selection if the selected assets have associated work. For example, You are on one of the work panels and use Selectto select 20 map features (out of which work is created and matched with the filter criteria for only 8 features in Work and Asset Management). The 8 features are highlighted in the Selected Assets color and there is no feature selection for the rest of the GIS assets. When you click the Asset panel, the 8 highlighted features are retained. If all 8 features are mapped assets in Work and Asset Management, the Selected Assets color will be applied to the 8 features updating the asset information in Asset panel results. If you click back on one of the work panels, all 8 features will remain highlighted in the Selected Assets color.
  • Selecting results from one of the work panels displays map features that have work created (the underlying map feature has a corresponding asset location in Work and Asset Management and has a work record that matches the default filter criteria. For the rest of the features, no selection color is displayed).
  • If you select one or more assets from the map and then navigate to one of the work panels, the map viewer only looks for linked work for the selected assets.

GIS Work List Companion

The GIS Work List Companion is used in conjunction with the Work List to enable users to plot objects, such as assets, activities, work orders, and so on, in the GIS Map Viewer.
Note: GIS Work List Companion is available only if your system is configured for GIS.

An example of how this might be used is as follows:

  • Query the system for the objects to be plotted. For example, perform a search in either the Assets or Activity portal to retrieve a list of search results.

  • Click the Work List icon to move the objects of the search results to the Work List Dashboard zone.

  • View Work List in Map button is enabled in the Work List Companion zone on the Dashboard.

  • Click View Work List in Map to plot the objects.