Maintaining Specifications

This portal is used to display and maintain specification records.

Refer to About Assets for more information.

You can access the portal from Menu, select Asset Management, then select Specification. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for a specific specification. Once the specification has been selected, you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.

The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:

  • Specification: This zone provides details about the specification.
  • Specification Attributes: This zone displays a list of attributes for this specification. The asset type defines valid attributes for specifications of this type. Press the Edit icon to add or change the attribute's value. Press the Clear icon to clear its value. Click the Edit link in the zone header to edit multiple attributes at one time.
  • Warranty Term: This zone lists the warranty terms associated with the specification.
  • Specification Assets: This zone provides information about the asset associated with the specification.
  • Attachments: This zone enables users to manage all types of attachments for the specification record.