6 Nostro Dashboard Widgets
Widgets on the dashboard give an on-demand view of the current state of different activities on the Nostro accounts.
The following Nostro widgets are available on the dashboard:
- Incoming Statement Processing Status
The Incoming Statement Processing widget displays the status of incoming statements from external entities. - Currency Exposure
The Currency Exposure widget displays the matched and unmatched currency balance for internal and external transactions. The last time the widget was updated is displayed under the title. Click the Refresh button to get the latest updates. - Unmatched Ageing
The Unmatched Aging widget displays the number of unmatched internal and external entries and the number of days since their creation. The last time the widget was updated is displayed under the title. Click the Refresh button to get the latest updates. - Manual Matching Based on Type
The Manual Matching Based on Type widget displays a pie chart of the number of manual matches that required adjustment. The pie chart segregation uses the adjustment types Currency Flux and Others. - Create and Load Custom Views
Create a custom view of a Nostro Widget to track and monitor specific accounts and their activities. The default widgets provided on the Dashboard are generic and track all entities.