2.3 Administrative Approver Transactions

Bank administrator users can approve the transactions initiated by Bank administrator in maker role. Approver has the responsibility to ensure correctness of the maintenances as per the bank and corporate mandate, to ensure speedy and accurate processing.


Toggle menu transactions of Bank Administrator – Approver is same as ‘System Administrator’ transactions depending on the access as provided to the user.


  • Pending for Approval
  • My Initiated List
  • My Approved List
  1. Pending for Approval

    This section displays the details of transactions that are initiated by the maker and are pending for approval. User can click on transactions to view the details of transactions that are pending for approval.

    The transactions pending approval within a period can be searched by providing a date range. Click on date picker icon to search the transactions based on Date range.

  2. My Initiated List

    Displays the list of all the administrative transactions initiated by the Administrator.

    Date Picker: Click this icon to search the transactions that are performed on a particular date. A date range ( From Date and To Date) can be provided to search the transaction.

  3. My Approved List

    This section displays the details of transactions that are approved by the approver user. Click on the transactions already approved to view the details with respective statuses and details.

    The transactions that are approved within a period can be searched by providing a date range. Click on date picker icon to search the transactions based on Date range.

    Date Picker:Click this icon to search the transactions that are approved on a particular date. A date range ( From Date and To Date) can be provided to search the transaction.

Dashboard Overview

Pending for Approvals

The Bank Administrator – Approver, can view the items pending for his approval. For ease of use, he can expand this page.

Quick Links
  • On-boarding

    (a) User Management

    The Bank Administrator can search and view users, create users and modify users. User can reset passwords of the users. Also user can lock / unlock a user, through this option.

    (b) Party Preferences

    Party Preferences maintenance enables Bank Administrator to define certain parameter values as per the corporate entities requirements. Following preferences can be set for a corporate party:
    • Cumulative Daily/Monthly limits per transaction
    • Transaction limits for users
    • Approval flow – Parallel or Sequential or none
    • To enable Channel access or not
    • To enable Forex deal or not
    • To enable a Corporate Administrator or not.
    • Group Corporate Mapping

    (c) Group Corporate Onboarding

    Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance enable the administrator to onboard the Group Corporate on OBAPIS in a single flow. Following steps can be followed during Group Corporate onboarding and send the same as a single approval:
    • Group Corporate Profiling
    • Party Account Access
    • User Onboarding
    • User Groups
    • User Account Access
    • Report Mapping
    • Workflow Management
    • Approval Rules
  • Approvals

    (a) Workflow Management

    Approval workflows are created to support requirements where multiple levels of approval are required in a specific sequence for a transaction/maintenance. Each workflow can be configured to have up to 5 levels of approval with a specific user or a user group configured at each level.

    Bank Administrator Approver can search and view approval workflows maintained and create new workflows. As a part of creating workflows, user can add various levels of approvals and map users or user groups to each level. User can also modify workflows maintained.

    (b) Rules Management

    The Bank administrator – Approver, can set up rules, for approvals. Applying a rule makes the requirement for an approval more customized. For instance, through this screen, the Bank Administrator can create a rule, so that all administrator maintenances initiated by a certain user-group, always require approval.

  • Resource Access

    (a) Party Resource Access

    As part of Resource Access Management, administrator can define access on resources other than account like Remitter List from Virtual Account Management for a Corporate Party.

    (b) User Resource Access

    As part of Resource Access Management, administrator can define access on resources other than account like Remitter List from Virtual Account Management for a specific corporate user.

  • File Upload

    (a) File Identifier Maintenance

    Bank administrator – Approver, can create file identifiers (FI) for a corporate entity. A File Identifier is always mapped to a specific single file template. It permits configuration of corporate preferences like approval type (file level/ record level) for a particular type of file. This is a pre-requisite for the File Uploads functionality, for a corporate.

    (b) User File Identifier Mapping

    Through this option bank administrator – Approver, can map a file identifier to a user to grant access rights to the user, for this specific file type. This maintenance enables a user to upload a specific file, approve the uploaded file and view its status. Bank administrator Approver can map / un-map file identifiers to a User. Further, user can enable or disable the sensitive data check. This is a pre-requisite maintenance, for the File Uploads functionality, for a corporate.

  • Others

    (a) Request Processing

    Service requests allows the bank administrator- approver to search and view all the service requests that have been initiated by the maker and are pending for approvals. This option also allows him to approve or reject the service requests.

    (b) Feedback

    Using this option, the Administrator can maintain the feedback templates by defining the feedback question, selecting the rating scale, adding new questions along with new options, selecting the transactions for which feedback capture needs to be enabled.

    The administrator can also decide whether an additional question is to be asked for a scale weight and select the applicable options for the question.

    (c) User Help Desk

    This option enables the Administrator to create business user's session and perform the transaction requested by business user on his behalf in case, he has forgotten his internet banking password or is unable to perform a transaction using his internet banking.

    To authenticate the user, system will send an OTP to the customer and the same OTP needs to be communicated to the administrator user so that he can enter it on the screen to create user’s session.