29.3 Biller Category Maintenance - Edit Category

System Administrator can modify the existing biller category using this screen.

To edit a biller category:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The Biller Category Maintenance screen appears.
  2. Search the biller categories.
  3. Click on the Biller Category link to which you want to edit the biller category.
    The Biller Category Maintenance screen appears.
  4. Click Edit to update the biller category details.
    The Biller Category Maintenance screen appears in the editable form.

    Figure 29-5 Biller Category Maintenance - Edit Category

  5. Update the details.
  6. Click Save to save the changes of a biller category.

    Click  Back to navigate back to previous screen.


    Click   Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  7. The success message of saving the biller category appears along with the status and reference number.
    Click OK to complete the transaction.