53.2 FAQ

  1. For bank administrators which transactions have file upload support?

    Currently the file upload feature for bank administrators is available for addition of billers only.

  2. What are the different transaction types, accounting types and file formats supported?
    The following table details the different transaction types, accounting types and file formats supported. A file identifier with a specific template is a combination of the parameters below:
    Sr. No. Parameter Types
    1 Transaction Type Internal funds Transfer

    Domestic Funds Transfer

    International Funds Transfer

    Mixed Transfer

    Admin Biller (available only for admin user)

    Payee Files (Internal / Domestic / International Or Mixed Payee Files)

    Virtual Account related (Accounts, Structure & Identifiers creation)

    Invoice Creation

    Bulk Bill Upload

    2 Accounting Type Single Debit, Single Credit (SDSC)

    Single Debit, Multi Credit (SDMC)

    Multi Debit, Multi Credit (MDMC)

    3 Approval Type File Level

    Record Level

    4 Format Type CSV, XML, XLS, XLSX
  3. Why do we have different accounting types?
    File templates support different accounting types, and business users can use the template that best support their needs. Details with business examples below:
    Sr. No. Accounting Type Business Example Approval Type
    1 Single Debit, Single Credit (SDSC) A corporate may want to make monthly payments to its various vendors from one central account. So though the debit account is the same across all records, the credit accounts are different and the debit accounting entry is not consolidated. Record Type or File Type
    2 Single Debit, Multi Credit (SDMC) A corporate may want to make monthly salary payments to all its employees. A single consolidated debit entry is required to be passed, against multiple credits to different accounts. File Type
    3 Multi Debit, Multi Credit (MDMC) This file format caters to a lot of one to one transfers between two parties for various payments. Organizations that are brokers or intermediaries in trade contracts, may find this format more suitable for their business needs. Record Type
  4. What is the business rationale of having different approval types?

    A record type approval, gives more flexibility to the corporate user – in the sense, that even if some records are not validated, the file could still be processed (only those records that have passed validations) and file type approval, gives more control to the corporate user. Since all records in the file have to pass validations, before a file is processed.

  5. Who can create File Identifiers for a corporate party?

    Only a bank administrator or a corporate administrator with required rights can create file identifiers for a corporate party.

  6. What is a 'File Upload Template'?
    A template that is used to upload a file is called as file template. It distinguishes one file from another depending on:
    1. Transaction type of the file
    2. Format of the file to be uploaded
    3. Approval type set-up for the file
    4. Accounting type of a payment file