53 File Upload

File Uploads facilitates processing of multiple transactions through a single file. This is a faster way of processing transactions than entering single screen transactions. Salary payments, fund transfers, vendor payments are few examples of financial transactions that can be supported through file upload. A non-financial transaction to facilitate upload of multiple payee details, at a single instance, is also possible through file upload.

OBAPIS has made File Upload functionality available for both Corporate and Bank Users.

Some of the file uploads available for Corporate User are:
  • Internal payments (within the bank)
  • Domestic payments (within the country)
  • International payments (cross border)
  • Mixed payments
  • Create Payees / Beneficiaries
  • Create Virtual Accounts, Structure & Identifiers

File upload available for Bank User

  • Bill Presentment
Oracle Banking Digital Experience File Upload module enables banks to process files of payments according to agreed operational and business rules and save time. File Uploads facility is simple to use, has daily transaction limits and comes with the security of dual / multi signatory approvals.
  • File Upload Set up: Enables the administrator to create file identifiers, and map users to file identifiers.
  • File Upload Servicing: Enables the corporate user to upload, view and approve files, (files that the user has access to).

File Upload Set up

File Upload set up covers the maintenance part of file upload and is performed by an administrator user. As a part of the initial set-up, the administrator user -
  • Creates a File Identifier for a File Template using the ‘File Identifier’ option
  • Maps a File Identifier to a user using the ‘User File Identifier Mapping’ option