52.2 FAQ

  1. Do I need to enter all the parameters to search?

    No. You need to enter at least the date and time criteria to proceed with audit search. Rest of the search parameters are optional and can be entered if the search results are to be narrowed down.

  2. I do not remember the party ID for input, can I search a party if I need to view audit details for a specific party?

    Yes. You can search a party by clicking ‘Search Party’ and searching the party by entering the party name.

  3. As part of input search criterion/parameters, in the action field there are certain options disabled. Is there a specific reason?
    If you select any maintenance in the activity field, ‘Initiated’ as an action will not be available.

    If you select any transaction in the activity field, ‘Created’, ‘Edited’ or ‘Deleted’ as actions will not be available.