53.3 User File Identifier Mapping

This function can be used by the administrator to map the required file identifier to a specific user or a set of users so that the user can upload and view the required file types. In case of corporate user the mapping will be done for the Party ID and for bank administrators mapping will be done for the User ID.


  • Transaction access is provided to Bank Administrator User Creation
  • Party and Account access (for corporate file upload)
  • Set up Transaction and account access (for corporate file upload)
  • Set up Approval Rules (for corporate file upload)
  • File Identifier Maintenance

Features Supported In Application

  • Search User File Identifier Mapping
  • Create User File Identifier Mapping
  • Edit User File Identifier Mapping

Navigation Path:

From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu , then click Menu and then click File Upload. Under File Upload , click User File Identifier Mapping.


From System Administrator Dashboard, under  Quick Links , then click Menu and then click File Upload.