53.7 FAQ

  1. What are some of the validations that a file goes through at various stages, in its life cycle?

    The following are the validations performed on an uploaded file by OBAPIS and subsequently by the Host, before file is liquidated.

    Sr No Events Applicable to Checks
    1 On File Upload All Files File contents should not match an already uploaded file
    2 On File Upload All Files File should not exceed the Maximum Size limit
    3 On File Upload All Files The File Extension type should be the ones permitted
    4 On File Upload All Files The file should not be Malicious
    5 At Pre-Processing All Files The format for all fields, should be as templated viz., Date, Currency in accordance with ISO standards, Party- numeric, account number-alphanumeric etc.
    6 At Pre-Processing All Files The Party should be valid, should exist
    7 File At Pre-Processing All Files Party and Debit account should belong to each other
    8 At Pre-Processing All Files User should have access to Debit Account

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    9 At Pre-Processing All Files Debit account should not be in closed status

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    10 At Pre-Processing All Files Transaction Limits are not violated at user level

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    11 At Pre-Processing All Files Payment date should not be in the past

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    12 At Pre-Processing All Files Payment date should not be a holiday as per the host calendar maintenance

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    13 At Pre-Processing All Files Debit account should be a CASA account, not loan or TD

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    14 At Pre-Processing All Files Debit currency in the file, should match the currency of the CASA account

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    15 At Pre-Processing Internal Files Transaction currency should match either the debit or credit CASA

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    16 At Pre-Processing Internal Files The Credit Account should be a CASA account, not loan or TD

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    17 At Pre-Processing All SDSC and SDMC files A file with multiple records, should have the same debit account

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    18 At Pre-Processing Internal Ad hoc The Purpose of remittance should be valid

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    19 At Pre-Processing Domestic Files The NEFT / RTGS code should be valid

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    20 At Approval All Files Cumulative limits should not be violated either for the Approver and the Party

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    21 Validations in Core All Files The Debit account should have sufficient balance

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    22 Validations in Core All Files Debit account should not be in dormant status

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    23 Validations in Core All Files Debit account should not be in debit block status

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    24 Validations in Core Internal Files The Credit CASA account should not be closed

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    25 Validations in Core Internal Files There should not be a Credit Block on the CASA account

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

    26 Validations in Core International Files The BIC / SWIFT code should be valid, as per the BIC / Clearing directory as maintained in the host system

    (If applicable for the type of file selected)

  2. If some records in a file are liquidated, others are deleted, what will the status of the file be?

    The following table shows the file status which is followed to depict various status of the file upload. So if all the records of file are liquidated then the file status is processed, and if any of the records in the file is liquidated while all the other are rejected the file status will be processed, and if any of the records is liquidated and rest all have an error the file status will be processed with exception.

    Verified Approved Processing in Progress Liquidated Rejected Deleted Error File Status
    All             Verified
      All           Approved
        All         Processing in Progress
          All       Processed
            All     Rejected
              All   Deleted
                All Error
          1 1     Processed
          1   1   Processed
          1     1 Processed with exception
          1 1 1   Processed
          1 1 1 1 Processed with exception
            1 1   Deleted
            1   1 Processed with exception
              1 1 Processed with exception
  3. If a payment file is in the approved status, does it mean that all the records are successfully liquidated?

    No, the file still has to successfully pass validations in the host system, before records are processed.

  4. Can a user delete the entire file or deletion of only individual records within a file is allowed?

    Whether only records can be deleted, or the entire file will be deleted depends on the accounting type of the file, and the approval type (Record Level or File level)

    The table below throws light on the combinations allowed

    Sr No Accounting Type Authorization Type File / Record Deletion allowed?
    1 SDMC File Level Not allowed
    2 SDSC File Level Not allowed
    3 SDSC Record Level Only records can be deleted, and not the entire file
    4 MDMC Record Level Only records can be deleted, and not the entire file
  5. If a working window is set for the File Upload transaction – how will processing be impacted outside of the working window?

    Outside of the transaction working window set for file uploads, processing will depend on whether the file has a Record Level approval or a File Type approval.

    Files with a File Type approval – will be rejected, outside of the transaction working window

    Files with Record Type approval – if some records are processed within the working window, will be completed – if processing of some records, falls outside of the working window – these will be rejected.

  6. What is the impact of limits on processing of File Upload transactions?

    File uploads transaction will utilize limits depending on if the transfer is an internal, domestic, or international funds transfer.

    Further, for domestic funds transfer – limits are defined for each network – NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. Limits will be checked at the pre-processing’s stage for file uploads.

  7. After a file is successfully uploaded, is the user provided notifications on its status?

    Yes, Users mapped to the FI – initiators and approvers of the file, are provided with alerts / notification, as file progresses from the Uploaded stage to Approved to Processing in Progress to the Processed stage. Alternately, users can log in to view the status of the file.