53.6 Uploaded Files Inquiry

Through this option the user can view the files uploaded by the bank administrator user using OBAPIS platform (only those files that the user has access to) and their status.
  • The search can be filtered on various parameters like status and file reference ID.
  • The user can track the status of the file and if there is an error in the file, he / she can download the error file to arrive at the exact reason for error.
  • For files in the ‘Processed’ status, the user can download Response file, to vet status of processing (in the host) for each record, of the file.
  • The user can track file history and also check Individual record details.
  • File Identifier Maintenance
  • User – File Identifier Mapping
Features Supported In Application
  • View Uploaded File & its Status (Uploaded File Inquiry)

Navigation Path:

From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click File Upload. Under File Upload , click Uploaded File Inquiry.


From Corporate Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click File Upload. Under File Upload , click Uploaded File Inquiry.


From Corporate Dashboard, under Quick Links,  click Uploaded File Inquiry.