16.11 FAQ

Step 1: Group Corporate Profiling
  1. Can administrator modify Bank role before assigning to Group Corporate?

    No, if the Administrator assigns a Bank role to Group Corporate, all the entitlements available in the selected roles will be assigned at Group Corporate level. Any modification required in the bank roles can be done using Role transaction mapping screen. If in future bank assigns a new transaction access in the bank role (from Role transaction mapping screen), it will automatically be given to the all the Group Corporates having that roles mapped

  2. Is mapping of custom role is mandatory?

    No. Administrator can select and assign the roles available at enterprise level as is, or he can create a custom role as per his requirement for the Group corporate by cloning a role available at Group Corporate level.

    Admin will be able to assign a mix of bank roles and custom roles to a Group Corporate.

  3. Are the Customize bank roles will be applicable across the application?

    No, The Customize bank role will be available only for the Group Corporate for which it was created. Any changes done in the bank roles, from which this custom role has been created, will not have any impact on the custom created roles

  4. What is sequential and parallel type of approval flow?

    Under Sequential approval flow, the approval can be done only in the sequence as mentioned in approval workflow. It is “Non-Sequential” type of approval flow, which does not follow any specific sequence. Any user (who is part of the approval flow) from any approval level can pick up the transaction/maintenance and approve it. This will be applicable across Group Corporate

  5. What is the approval currency?

    Approval Currency is the preferred currency for setting up the approval rules.

  6. How can the user define Sequential or Parallel approval flow at the Corporate Level and Rule Level?

    During Group Corporate Profiling setup, the user has an option to select the workflow preference at Corporate Level or Rule Level. If Corporate Level is specified, then the approval flow (Sequential/Parallel/No Approval) can be captured on the same screen. If Rule Level is selected, then the approval flow (Sequential/Parallel) must be specified during rule creation.

Step 2: Party Account Access
  1. Is it necessary to setup Party Account Access Management before setting up User Account Access for Group Corporate?

    Yes. For the Group Corporate, the party account access setup must be done before the user level mapping of accounts and transactions

  2. What is the significance of Transactions or Inquiry Group?

    Transaction groups are for the purpose of grouping transactions and maintaining access in Account Access screens.

    There will be one factory shipped Transaction group for each module, which will have all transactions and inquiries grouped together. Factory shipped user group cannot be deleted or modified.

    A new group can also be created by cloning/copying an existing transaction group. Deletion of custom transaction group will be allowed.

    Transaction groups of one Group Corporate will be available for selection only for that Group Corporate

  3. Can we setup Party Account Access for multiple corporate parties associated with Group Corporate in single flow?

    Yes, All the party ID mapped under Group Corporate will be listed in the dropdown. Admin can select one party at a time and setup the party account access for the same .Once he is done he can follow the same flow by selecting another party for Account maintenance before final submission.


    He can save the application in draft for further modification.

  4. What is the significance of Auto and Manual option in ‘Map Accounts’?

    This feature allows the administrator to configure access policies for accounts and associated transactions, which may get added subsequently in the future.

    Auto: Gives access to the newly added accounts and transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened. This option can be selected whenever bank administrator wishes to provide access by default

    Manual: Denies the newly added accounts and transactions by default. This is to ensure that access to accounts and transactions is provided only upon receiving specific instructions from corporates

  5. Will Party Account Access – Deletion for a party (Own/Linked) lead to automatic deletion of User Account Access?

    Yes. Deletion of account access for a party will lead to automatic deletion of access for the users of that party.

Step 3: User Onboarding
  1. Who can create / update the user at Group Corporate level?

    System administrator and bank administrator can create or edit the users.

  2. Does the application allows admin to create new user by cloning the exiting one?

    Yes. An option to create a new user from by copying an existing user is provided.

    If ‘Copy’ is selected, admin will be able to select an already created user (user created under the same Group Corporate) and screen will be displayed the copied data for all the sections except Personal and Contact information. Admin will be require to fill Personal and Contact information and he can make the changes in the copied data as well.

  3. Can one assign multiple Application roles to a user?

    Yes, multiple Application roles can be assigned to the user. All the Roles (both Enterprise and Customer) mapped at the Group Corporate level will be available for selection while setting up the user management.

  4. What is the significance of primary and Accessible parties?

    Corporate users at Group Corporate level will have one primary party and multiple assessable parties for each entity. Show primary party selected on the top will by default as selected under Primary Party for that Entity.

Step 4: User Group Maintenance
  1. Is the user selection for user group maintenance is depends on the parent party?

    No, user selection is not depend upon the parent corporate party. Application will list down the entire user associated with group corporate for user group creation irrespective of parent party.

  2. Can a user be the part of multiple user groups created under a Group Corporate?

    Yes, same user can be part of multiple user groups under group corporate. Whereas, User Group would be allowed to create even without adding a single user.

  3. Can I delete an existing user group?

    No, user groups cannot be deleted but can be edited. Administrator can add new users and remove existing users of the user group.

Step 5: User Account Access
  1. If user is associated with one parent corporate party and multiple accessible parties, then will he be allowed to setup account access for the corporate parties in single flow?

    Yes, All the party ID mapped under Group Corporate and associated with corporate user will be listed in the dropdown. Admin can select one party at a time and setup the user account access for the same .Once he is done he can follow the same flow by selecting another party for user Account maintenance before final submission.


    He can save the application in draft for further modification.

  2. Will Party Account Access – Deletion for a party lead to automatic deletion of User Account Access?

    Yes, deletion of account access for a party will lead to automatic deletion of access for the users of that party.

  3. If I remove access of account(s) and transaction(s) for a party, will it lead to automatic access removal for the users of that party?

    Yes, access removal at party level for an account and/or transaction will automatically remove access at user level of the selected party.

  4. Have mapped/edited/deleted user account access for a party but it is not reflecting in the system even after a successful maintenance save message?

    There is a possibility that the maintenance is saved but the status is ‘Pending Approval’. For the maintenance, if there is an approval required then the changes will reflect only once the approver(s) approve the submitted request. If the setup does not require an approval workflow or is self / auto approved, then the same will reflect immediately.

Step 6: User Report Mapping
  1. What is the significance of user report mapping?

    The user report mapping maintenance allows the Bank Administrators to map the report or set of reports to a specific corporate user. The corporate users can generate and view the reports to which they have an access.

  2. Is the user selection for user report mapping maintenance is depends on the parent party?

    No, user selection is not depend upon the parent corporate party. Application will list down the entire user associated with group corporate for user report mapping irrespective of parent party.

Step 7: Workflow Management
  1. Is the user selection for workflow maintenance is depends on the parent party?

    No, user selection is not depend upon the parent corporate party. Application will list down the entire user associated with group corporate for workflow maintenance irrespective of parent party.

  2. What is approval workflow maintenance?

    Approval workflows are created to support requirements where multiple levels of approval are required in a specific sequence for a transaction/maintenance. Each workflow can be configured to have up to five levels of approval with a specific user or a user group configured at each level.

  3. How many approval levels can I set up in the system?

    Administrator can set up minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of approval workflow.

  4. Can I get the list of users associated with a group from workflow management screen?

    Yes, list of the users associated with a group can be viewed using workflow management screen.

Step 8: Approval Rules
  1. Is the user selection for workflow maintenance is depends on the parent party?

    No, user selection is not depend upon the parent corporate party. Application will list down the entire user associated with group corporate for approval -rules maintenance irrespective of parent party.

  2. How many approval levels can I set up in the system?

    Administrator can set up minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of approval workflow. Whereas, maximum levels of approvals that the user can set is configurable as Day0.

  3. What happens if the transaction is initiated in the currency in which approval rule is not maintained?

    If the rule is not maintained in specific currency, then the application will check the preferred currency selected while setting up the group corporate.

  4. Explain [AB1] by examples how the rules are resolved during auto and manual approval routing?

    If the Day 0 configuration is yes (i.e., weightage needs to be checked), then the rules will be evaluated irrespective of the currency. However, the final rule which is resolved will be as per the calculated weightage.

    If the Day 0 configuration is no (i.e., weightage need not be checked), then the rules will be evaluated irrespective of the currency, and all the rules falling within the amount range (post currency conversion) will be resolved. For Manual Routing, whichever rule the maker picks up will be the resolved rule. For Auto Routing, the nearest ‘max’ value logic will be checked and the rule with nearest max slab will be evaluated. However, if two rules have the same nearest ‘max’ slab, then whichever approver picks the transaction first, that rule will be the final resolved rule.

    Some use cases are listed below for better understanding:

    Table 16-49 Use Case 1: Rule CCY = TXN CCY

    Maintenance System Behavior

    Entity Base CCY – AED

    Approval Type – Auto Routing

    Rules maintained are as follows:

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 9K (equivalent to USD 23.8k, QAR 86.9k)

    *Considering all other rule criteria are matching

    Applicable Rules*:

    Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency. The rules (Rule 1, Rule 2 and Rule 3) falling within the transaction range will be resolved, however as per the weightage logic, the rule maintained in TXN CCY will have higher weightage. Hence only Rule 3 will be resolved

    Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency without checking any rule weightage

    Note: Out of the box, the weightage check will always be enabled for auto routing.

    Table 16-50 Use Case 2: Rule CCY = Entity Base CCY

    Maintenance System Behavior

    Entity Base CCY – AED

    Approval Type – Auto Routing

    Rules maintained are as follows:

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 10K (equivalent to USD 26.5k, AED 97.5k, QAR 96.5k)

    *Considering all other rule criteria are matching

    Applicable Rules*:

    Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Reason – The system will check if any rule is available in the TXN CCY as per weightage logic. If the TXN CCY rule is not available, all the other rules irrespective of any CCY will be applicable provided it matches the amount slab

    Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency without checking any rule weightage

    Note: Out of the box, the weightage check will always be enabled for auto routing.

    Table 16-51 Use Case 3: Rule CCY = Multiple TXN CCY rules

    Maintenance System Behavior

    Entity Base CCY – AED

    Approval Type – Auto RoutingRules maintained are as follows:

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Rule 5 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 10k to 50k

    Rule 6 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 10K (equivalent to USD 26.5k, AED 97.5k, QAR 96.5k)

    *Considering all other rule criteria are matching

    Applicable Rules*:

    Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency, however as per the weightage and ‘to/max’ amount logic, the rule maintained in TXN CCY will have higher weightage. Hence Rule 3 and Rule 4 will be resolved. Based on the users approving at each level, exact rule will be determined

    Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Rule 5 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 10k to 50k

    Rule 6 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency without checking any rule weightage

    Note: Out of the box, the weightage check will always be enabled for auto routing.

    Table 16-52 Use Case 4: Rule CCY = TXN CCY (Flexi Routing)

    Maintenance System Behavior

    Entity Base CCY – AED

    Approval Type – Flexi Routing

    Rules maintained are as follows:

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Rule 5 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 10k to 20k

    Rule 6 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    The customer is initiating a transaction in

    BHD 9K (equivalent to USD 23.8k, AED 87.6k, QAR 86.9k)

    *Considering all other rule criteria are matching

    Applicable Rules*:

    Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency, however as per the weightage and ‘to/max’ amount logic, the rule maintained in TXN CCY will have higher weightage

    Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Rule 5 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 10k to 20k

    Rule 6 - CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency. Maker will be expected to select one rule and route for approval.

    Table 16-53 Use Case 5: Sequential/Non-Sequential Rules (Flexi Routing)

    Maintenance System Behavior

    Entity Base CCY – AED

    Approval Type – Flexi Routing

    Rules maintained are as follows:

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k (Sequential)

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k (Non-Sequential)

    The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 9K (equivalent to USD 23.8k, QAR 86.9K)

    *Considering all other rule criteria are matching

    Applicable Rules*:

    Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k (Sequential)

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency, however as per the weightage and ‘to/max’ amount logic, the rule maintained in TXN CCY will have higher weightage. In this case based on the Day0 configuration, the default behavior is ‘Sequential’ rule which needs to be given precedence.

    However, bank can change this configuration to ‘Non-sequential’ rule to be given precedence

    Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency. Maker will be expected to select one rule and route for approval.

    Table 16-54 Use Case 6: Sequential/Non-Sequential Rules (Auto Routing)

    Maintenance System Behavior

    Entity Base CCY – AED

    Approval Type – Auto Routing

    Rules maintained are as follows:

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k (Sequential)

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k (Non-Sequential)

    The customer is initiating a transaction in BHD 9K (equivalent to USD 23.8k)

    *Considering all other rule criteria are matching

    Applicable Rules*:

    Day 0 – when weightage check is enabled

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k (Sequential)

    In case of auto routing, based on the Day0 configuration, the default behavior is ‘Sequential’ rule which needs to be given precedence.

    However, bank can change this configuration to ‘Non-sequential’ rule to be given precedence

    Day 0 – when weightage check is disabled

    Rule 1 - CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2 - CCY – QAR, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency. Maker will be expected to select one rule and route for approval.

    Use Case 7: Rule Weightage Logic

    Entity Base CCY – AED

    Rules maintained are as follows:

    Table 16-55 Use Case 7: Rule Weightage Logic

    Rules Accounts Transactions CCY Amount Slab Approval Flow
    Rule 1




    All Financial Transactions

    <International Fund Transfer is a part of Payment Transaction Group>

    USD 5k to 25k Group A > Group B > Group C
    Rule 2 All Accounts International Fund Transfer AED 50k to 100k Group A > Group D > Group E
    Rule 3 All Accounts International Fund Transfer BHD 5k to 10k Group A > Group C > User X
    Rule 4



    International Fund Transfer, Multiple Payment Transactions BHD 9k to 10k User P > User Q

    The customer is initiating an International Fund Transfer from account 10000907 of BHD 9K (equivalent to USD 23.8k, AED 87.6k)

    Applicable Rules

    Auto Routing (when weightage check is enabled) -

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Reason – System will first check if the matching rule is available in TXN CCY (BHD). There are 2 rules available in BHD, Rule 3 and Rule 4. However, in auto routing only Rule 4 will be resolved as specific values are maintained for account and transactions as compared to Rule 3.

    Flexi Routing (when weightage check is disabled) -

    Rule 1- CCY – USD, Amount Range 5k to 25k

    Rule 2- CCY – AED, Amount Range 50k to 100k

    Rule 3 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 5k to 10k

    Rule 4 - CCY – BHD, Amount Range 9k to 10k

    Reason – System will evaluate all the rules irrespective of any currency. As all the rules fall within the amount range, hence all the rules will be displayed to the user for selection.