16.10 Send to Modify

Approver dashboard is available for Bank administrator users whose main responsibility is of approving the transactions initiated by Bank administrator in maker role. Approver has the responsibility to ensure correctness of the maintenances as per the bank and corporate mandate, to ensure speedy and accurate processing.

When the maker sends the Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance for approval, the approver will have an option to send the maintenance back for modification.

When the transaction is sent back for modification, then all the users who have access to perform modifications on Group Corporate onboarding will be able to view the maintenance in their activity log. Any of the users can pick up the transaction and make the necessary modification.


During Send to Modify, the comments capture by approver are optional.The bank needs to handle operationally to ensure that specific comments are captured during send for modification.
  1. Login to OBDX internet banking application as an approver.
  2. Navigate to:
    From Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click Transactions, UnderTransactions, click Pending for Approval, and then select Group Corporate Wizard.

    Figure 16-81 Send to Modify - Pending for Approval screen

  3. Click on the Reference No link adjacent to record which to be modify/ approve/reject/lock.
    The Group Corporate Onboarding screen appears.

    Figure 16-82 Send to Modify - Group Corporate Onboarding screen

  4. Click Send to Modify to send the Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance back to maker for modification.
    A popup appears.
  5. Enter the comments while sending for modification to specify the reason for sending the maintenance for modification.
  6. Click Send to Modify to save the comments and send the maintenance to maker for modification.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  7. Now login to OBDX internet banking application as an maker.
  8. View the Group Corporate Onboarding maintenance in My Initiated List tab from the Transactions menu, and make the necessary modifications and send back to approver.
  9. On re-login as approver, then the modified data will be highlighted for the approver to understand the changes.


    1. For all the updated values, the previous as well as new value will be shown

      The modified value will be highlighted even in cases when the maker modifies any existing data and send it for approval

    2. Click on the View Update to view the new changes in case the field has multiple values.

Figure 16-83 View Update

Figure 16-84 Modified data highlight

  1. Click on highlighted data to view the modifications.
  2. Verify the changes and approve the transaction.