51.5 FAQ

  1. Can I set the transaction working window from the current date?

    No, you cannot set the transaction working window date from current date. You can set that from future date.

  2. If a particular day, have both a normal working window set, and an exception – which will take precedence?

    Working window set for an exception, overrides the normal working window set.

  3. If the normal working window for a transaction is set for Open all Day and an Exception is set as Closed all Day, will I be able to initiate transaction, on that day?

    No, I will not be able to initiate the transaction on that day. The transaction will either have the next working day’s value date or be rejected.

  4. Can I delete or edit current applicable normal working window?

    No, current applicable normal working window cannot be edited or deleted. User can add a new window with future effective date.

  5. Can I set ‘behavior of transaction outside working window’ for exceptional days?

    No, behavior of transaction outside working window for exceptional date maintenance will remain same as normal window maintenance.