53.1.5 File Identifier Maintenance - Corporate User – Search and View

Once the logged in user navigates to File Identifier Maintenance (for Corporate User) screen, user can search and view the files that are uploaded under a party with the future date with file type as SDSC(Single Debit Single Credit), SDMC (Single Debit Multiple Credit), and MDMC (Multiple Debit Multiple Credit) and view the record details of the File Identifiers already created.

To search and view the file identifiers:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The File Identifier Maintenance screen appears.
  2. In the Party ID field, enter the party id of the user.

    In the Party Name field, enter the name of the party.

  3. Click Search.
    The File Identifier Maintenance screen with search results appears.


    Click Clear to clear the search parameters.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

    Figure 53-7 File Identifier Maintenance - Search

    Table 53-5 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Party ID Party ID of the corporate for whom the file identifier is created.
    Party Name Party name corresponding to the party id.
    File Identifiers
    Sr. No. Serial number of the record.
    File Identifier Unique code/ name assigned as per party preferences for handling of payment files.
    Description File name / code description corresponding to the file upload code.
    Transaction Type Type of transaction:
    The Transaction types could be:
    • Internal Funds Transfer
    • Domestic Funds Transfer
    • International Funds Transfer
    • Mixed Transfer
    • Internal Payee
    • Domestic Payee
    • International Payee
    • Mixed Payee
    • Domestic Demand Draft Payee
    • International Demand Draft Payee
    • Create Virtual Accounts
    • Delete Virtual Accounts
    • Create Virtual Account structure
    • Create Virtual Identifier
    • Create Invoice
    • Bulk Bill Upload
    Approval Type The approval type is at file level or record level.
  4. Click the File Identifier link against the record, for which you want to view the details.
    The File Identifier Maintenance- View screen appears.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

    Figure 53-8 File Identifier Maintenance - View

    Table 53-6 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Party ID The party id searched by the bank administrator.
    Party Name Party name corresponding to the party ID.
    File Identifier Unique code/ name assigned for handling of payment files.
    Description File name / code description corresponding to the file upload code.
    File Template Predefined file templates.
    Following file templates are available:
    • Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC
    • Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed SDSC
    • Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited MDMC
    • Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed MDMC
    • Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
    • Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
    • Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC with Account ID defined at File Identifier level
    • Internal and Domestic Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
    • Internal and Domestic Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
    • Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC
    • Internal Funds Transfer Fixed SDSC
    • Internal Funds Transfer Delimited MDMC
    • Internal Funds Transfer Fixed MDMC
    • Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
    • Internal Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
    • Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC with Account ID defined at File Identifier level
    • Internal Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC with Account ID defined at File Identifier level
    • International Funds Transfer Delimited SDSC
    • International Funds Transfer Fixed SDSC
    • International Funds Transfer Delimited MDMC
    • International Funds Transfer Fixed MDMC
    • International Funds Transfer Delimited SDMC
    • International Funds Transfer Fixed SDMC
    • Demand Draft Payees
    • Domestic Payees
    • Internal payees
    • International Payees
    • Mixed Payees
    • Mixed Payments Delimited MDMC
    • Mixed Payments Fixed MDMC
    • Mixed Payments Delimited SDSC
    • Mixed Payments Fixed SDSC
    • Create Virtual Accounts
    • Create Virtual Accounts Structure
    • Create Virtual Identifier
    • Create Invoice
    • Bulk Bill Upload
    Maximum No of Records Maximum number of records permissible in the uploaded file.
    Partial Processing Tolerance (%) The partial processing tolerance for a file (in percentage terms). Suppose, the user sets this value at 60% - this implies that if 60% or more, of the records in a file clear the validation stage, then the file can go for further processing. If less than 60% of the records in a file clear the validation stage, then the file is rejected.
    Debit Account Number Account number from which amount is to be debited.

    This field appears for templates having AcctId defined at FI level.

    Transaction Type Type of transaction:
    The Transaction type can be:
    • Internal Funds Transfer
    • Domestic Funds Transfer
    • International Funds Transfer
    • Mixed Transfer
    • Internal Payee
    • Domestic Payee
    • International Payee
    • Mixed Payee
    • Domestic Demand Draft Payee
    • International Demand Draft Payee
    • Virtual Account
    • Virtual Account Structure
    • Virtual Identifier
    • Virtual Account Structure
    • Create Invoice
    • Bulk Bill Upload
    Accounting Type Accounting type of transaction:
    The accounting type can be:
    • SDSC: Single Debit Single Credit
    • SDMC: Single Debit Multi Credit
    • MDMC: Multi Debit Multi Credit

    This field does not appear for Demand Draft Payees, Domestic Payees, Internal payees, International Payee and Mixed Payees, Invoice and Virtual Account templates.

    File Type The file type - delimited or fixed length.
    Format Type The format in which file is uploaded.

    The format could be .CSV, .XML, .XLS, .XLSX.

    Approval Type The approval type is at file level or record level.
    • File Level - The approver accepts or rejects the entire file, and all records are either processed or rejected en-masse.
    • Record Level - The approver could approve some records, and rejects others. Payments are processed only for approved records.
    Access Type The access type is at Private or Public.
    • Public- all users belonging to the party can access the identifier by default.
    • Private- file identifier is not accessible to every users belonging to the party. To map the required file identifier to a specific user or a set of users, refer to "User File Identifier Mapping" screen
  5. Click Edit to modify the file identifier.

    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.


    Click Cancel to cancel the operation.