45 Goal Category Maintenance

Goal Category maintenance allows the System Administrator to create, modify or expire goal categories. For each of the Goal Category, System Administrator can map the Product under which the goals will be opened. This maintenance is done only for retail type of parties and is not applicable for corporate type of parties. Any time there can be a maximum of 10 categories available and each will have a unique category code.

Administrator created categories needs to be linked with a product which will decide the other key parameters which will govern the Goal category. These parameters would be:
  • Goal Amount Range ( Minimum and Maximum Value)
  • Interest Rate Offered
  • Tenure Range ( Minimum and Maximum)
  • Transaction access is provided to System Administrator
  • Products which needs to be mapped to different categories are well maintained
  • Goal categories to be made are limited and cannot be deleted

Features Supported In Application

Goal category maintenance available for System administrator include
  • Search Goal Category
  • Create Goal Category
  • Edit Goal Category

Navigation Path:

From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, under Personal Finance widget, click Goal Category.


From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu , then click Menu and then click Personal Finance. Under Personal Finance , click Goal Category.