16.3.2 Party Account Access - View

The Bank Administrator can view the list of account(s) and transactions for which access has been provided to the party.

To Search and view the party account and transaction access:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The Party Account Access screen appears.
  2. From the Mapping Summary of Party dropdown list, select the corporate party id.
  3. For a searched party, summary screen will be displayed with total accounts associated with corporate party, status of the accounts mapped for the internet banking, modified accounts if any and Auto account mapping status .
  4. Click the link under the total Mapped accounts or Modified accounts, The Party Account Access – View (Transaction Mapping) screen appears. The search result according to the search criteria appears

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

    Figure 16-21 Party Account Access - Summary Results

    Table 16-12 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Modules Banking Module names
    Total Accounts Total number of accounts available under the party.
    Mapped Accounts Number of accounts mapped to the particular account type.
    Modified Accounts Number of accounts modified for the particular account type.
    Auto Mapped Accounts Mapping status of the accounts.
    The options can be:
    • Auto: gives default access to all newly added accounts and transactions of the party as soon as the account is opened in future.
    • Manual: gives specific access to future accounts. The new accounts and transactions need to be mapped explicitly if access needs to be provided
    Edit or Map Click on the icon next to every module or click on Map button to edit party account access
  5. If there is no mapping done for a party, the count for the Mapped Accounts will be ‘0
  6. All the accounts held by the selected party as a relationship with the bank as available in the core banking system or the respective mid-office system will be fetched and displayed in the respective categories

    Figure 16-22 Party Account Access – View

    Table 16-13 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Modules Display name of the product for which account access is being viewed.
    Mapped Accounts

    Display Account number associated with corporate party, and the mapped transaction groups

    • Display account number along with the name, currency and status of the account as Active or Inactive. The mapped transaction group names can also be viewed against each account
    Transaction Groups Details Display the Transaction group details which are mapped to each account of the selected party. The details of the transaction group includes information related to transactions and inquiries.
  7. The Party Account Access details screen has two sections. First column lists down all the Account numbers mapped with the corporate party, including Status of the account (Active or Inactive) and transaction group name.
  8. In the second column, user can view the transaction group details with all the transactions and inquiries access.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  9. Click Edit / Map to update the Party Account Access account mapping for new accounts and existing accounts.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

  10. Click Next to proceed to the next logical step.

    Click Submit to submit the steps performed so far for approval.


    Click Retain Draft to save the details entered as draft.


    Click Cancel to cancel the operation.