44.1.1 Spend Category - View

Using spend category view option, the System Administrator can view the spend categories and sub categories.

To view a spend category:

  1. Navigate to one of the above paths.
    The Spend Category Maintenance screen appears.
  2. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
    The search results appear on the Spend Category screen based on the search parameters.
  3. Click the Category Name link of the record for which you want to view the spend category.
    The Spend Category - View screen appears.

    Figure 44-3 Spend Category - View

    Table 44-2 Field Description

    Field Name Description
    Category Code Unique ID maintained for the spend category
    Category Name Name of the category. Transactions are mapped to the category name to classify spending under each category.
    Sub Category Details
    Sub Category Code Unique ID maintained for the spend sub-category.
    Sub Category Name Name of the subcategory based on the category name. Transactions can be further classified under the sub categories available under a category. For e.g. Spend category name could be Household Expenses and under that, sub categories could be Grocery, Rent etc.
  4. Click Edit to if you want to edit the spend category.

    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.


    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.