39 User Group - Subject Mapping

This maintenance facilitates mapping of subjects, to user groups in the bank, to streamline communication between the bank’s users and its end customers.

Once User Groups are mapped to certain transactions or modules, users, in that group can reply to communication pertaining to the specific subject. The communication channel used is the bank’s secure mailbox. For instance, employees in the Credit Card department of the bank will be able to reply to / address queries raised by customers who are overdue on their payments or who want to seek clarification on their monthly statement.

  • Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
  • Approval rule set up for System Administrator to perform the actions.
  • Administrator user groups are maintained.
  • Maintain applicable subjects, for each Module.

Features supported in Application:

Navigation Path:

From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, under Communications widget, click User Group Subject Mapping.


From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click Communications. Under Communications , click User Group Subject Mapping.