9 User Limits

Using this option the System/Bank Administrator can view the current available and utilized limits of specific retail user and also can modify (increase or decrease) the limits as per the requirement.

The user limits can be set for specific transaction level or at transaction group level or for a specific channel or for a group of channels.

The different types of limits are as follows:
  • Daily Count- Permitted number of transactions in a day
  • Daily Amount- Cumulative amount of transactions in a day
  • Monthly Count- Permitted number of transactions in a month
  • Monthly Amount- Permitted number of transactions in a month
  • Transaction access is provided to System Administrator.
  • Limit package are assigned.
  • Approval rule set up for System/Bank Administrator to perform the actions.

Features Supported In Application

Following functions can be performed by the System administrator as part of the maintenance:

Navigation Path:

From Bank Administrator Dashboard, under Limits, click User Limits.


From System/ Bank Administrator Dashboard, click Toggle Menu, then click Menu and then click Limits, Under Limits , click User Limits.