6.2 View and Modify Amount Block

You can view or modify the already added block details using this screen.

To view the amount block details:


The fields, which are marked with an asterisk, are mandatory.
  1. On the Homepage, from the Deposit Services mega menu, under Term Deposits and Maintenance, click View and Modify Amount Block, or specify View and Modify Amount Block in the search icon bar and select the screen.

    The View and Modify Amount Block screen is displayed.

    Figure 6-3 View and Modify Amount Block

    Description of Figure 6-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-3 View and Modify Amount Block"
  2. On the View and Modify Amount Block screen, specify the account number in the Account Number field.
    The Amount Block Details section is displayed.

    Figure 6-4 View and Modify Amount Block Details

    Description of Figure 6-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-4 View and Modify Amount Block Details"
  3. On the Amount Block Details section, view the block details. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 6-2 View Amount Block Details – Field Description

    Field Description

    Account Number

    Specify the account number for performing the block.


    The account holder's name is also displayed adjacent to the field.

    Amount Block Details

    This section displays the RD amount block details.


    Select the block status of the RD account. The options are:
    • Active
    • Not Activated
    • Closed
    • Expired
    • All

    Total Amount Blocked

    Displays the total amouont blocked on the RD account.

    <Block Reason> Displays the block reason as the top of the widget.


    Displays the block type.

    Block Number

    Displays the block number.


    Displays the block amount along with the currency.

    Blocked Reason

    Displays the block reason along with code.

    Effective Date

    Displays the block effective date.

    Expiry Date

    Displays the block expiry date.


    Displays the block remarks.


    Displays the block status.

    • You can add a RD amount block by clickng the Edit icon. For more information, refer Create Amount Block screen.
    • You can edit a RD amount block details by clicking the Edit icon. For more information, refer Modify Amount Block.
    • You can delete a RD amount block details by clicking the Close icon. For more information.
    • Modify Amount Block: As you click the Edit icon from the View and Modify Amount Block screen from a particular widget, that widget details are opened in Modify Recurring Deposit Amount Block screen.
    1. In the Modify Recurring Deposit Amount Block screen, modify the required details.

      Figure 6-5 Modify Recurring Deposit Amount Block

      Description of Figure 6-5 follows
      Description of "Figure 6-5 Modify Recurring Deposit Amount Block"

      For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

      Table 6-3 Modify RD Amount Block – Field Description

      Field Description

      Account Number

      Displays the account number and name for performing the block. Aslo, to the right the customer information is displayed.

      Block Number

      Displays the block number of the RD account.


      Displays the type of block on RD account.

      Amount To Be Blocked

      Specify the RD amount to be blocked.


      By default, the currency and amount is displayed. The currency is editable, but if required you can edit the amount.

      Block Reason

      Displays the reason for the block on RD account.
      Effective Date Specify or select the effective date for the block.


      By default, the effectiev date is displayed. If required you can edit the date.
      Expiry Date Specify or select the expiry date for the block.


      By default, the expiry date is displayed. If required you can edit the date.
      Narrative Specify the narration, if any for the block.


      By default, a narration is displayed. If required you can edit it.
    2. Click Submit
      The screen is successfully submitted for authorization.
  4. Click Close.