7.1.4 Additional Details

You can add joint holder details and nominee details in the Additional Details tab.

The prerequisites are as follows:

  1. Add the simulation details. For more information, refer Simulation.
  2. Specify the payin details. For more information, refer to Payin Details.
  3. Specify the payout details. For more information, refer to Payout Details.

To add the additional details:


The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
  1. In the Additional Details tab, you can add or maintain the details for the joint and nominee.
    The existing details of the customer is displayed in the Additional Details tab.
  2. In the Additional Details tab, maintain the details as required.For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 7-7 Additional Details – Field Description

    Field Description
    Add Joint Holders This section displays the fields to add the joint holder details. For more information on this section, refer Add Joint Holders.
    Add Nominee Details This section displays the fields to add the nominee details. For more information on this section, refer Add Nominee Details.
    Deposit Account Description Displays the description of the deposit account to be created.


    You can edit the description if required. To enable the field, click the Modify link displayed next to the field.


    You can add multiple nominees, but the total percentage should not exceed 100.
    • Add Joint Holders
    1. Click Add Joint Holder.


      The Add Joint Holder button is not enabled, if you select Single option from the Mode Of Operation field.

      The details in the Add Joint Holders section are enabled.

    2. In the Add Joint Holders section, maintain the required details. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

      Table 7-8 RD Account Opening - Additional Details - Add Joint Holder Details – Field Description

      Field Description
      Mode Of Operation Displays the mode of operation selected for the deposit. The options are:
      • Single
      • Jointly
      • Either Anyone or Survivor
      • Former or Survivor
      • Mandate Holder
      Customer ID Select the customer ID to be added as joint holder.


      This field is enabled, if you click the Edit icon from the Action field.
      Customer Name Displays the customer name for the selected customer ID.
      Joint Holder Type Select the type for the joint holder. The options are:
      • Authorized Signatory
      • Customer Contact Person
      • Custodian
      • Developer
      • Gaurantor
      • Guardian
      • Joint and First
      • Joint and Other
      • Joint or First
      • Joint or Other
      • Nominee
      • Related for Enquiry
      • Solicitor
      • Sole Owner
      • Third Party
      • Trustee
      • Valuer
      • Power of Attorney
      • Others


      This field is enabled, if you click the Edit icon from the Action field.

      Click the Edit icon to edit the details.

      Click the Delete icon to delete the details.

      Click the Tick icon to confirm the edits.

    • Add Nominee Details
    1. Click Add Nominee.
      The Nominee Details section is displayed.


      You can specify or select details in one section at a time. To add or view the details in the other section, click the Dropdown icon.
    2. In the Nominee Details section, maintain the required details. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

      Table 7-9 RD Account Opening - Additional Details - Add Nominee Details – Field Description

      Field Description
      Nominee Details This section displays fields to add the nominee details.
      Title Select the title of the nominee. The options are:
      • Mr.
      • Miss.
      • Mrs.
      • Dr.
      • Mis.
      First Name Specify the first name of the nominee.
      Middle Name Specify the middle name of the nominee.
      Last Name Specify the last name of the nominee.
      Relation Type Specify the relation to the account holder. The options are:
      • Father
      • Mother
      • Son
      • Spouse
      • Daughter
      Date of Birth Select or specify the date of birth of the nominee.
      Minor Based on the date of birth specified, this field is updated.
      Percentage Select or specify the percentage of the nomination.
      Address and Contact Details This section displays the fields to add the address and contact details of the nominee.
      Building Specify the building of the nominee.
      Street Specify the street of the nominee.
      Locality Specify the locality of the nominee.
      City Specify the city of the nominee.
      State Specify the state of the nominee.
      Country Select or specify the country of the nominee.
      Zip Code Specify the zip code of the nominee.
      Contact Details This section displays the fields to add the contact details of the nominee.
      Email Specify the email ID of the nominee.
      Mobile Specify the mobile number of the nominee.
      Phone Specify the phone number of the nominee.
      Guardian Details This section displays


      This section is displayed if you switch to Toggle On from the Minor field. Also, the fields in this section are same as mentioned in the above Nominee Details, Address and Contact Details section.
    3. Click Save.
      Once the nominee details are saved, the details are displayed in form of a summary in table.

      For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

      Table 7-10 RD Account Opening - Additional Details - Add Nominee Details - Summary – Field Description

      Field Description
      <Name> Display the name of the nominee added.
      Relation Type Display the relation type of the nominee.
      Date of Birth Display the date of birth of the nominee.
      Percentage Display the percentage of the nominee.
      Minor Displays whether the nominee is a minor.
      Guardian Display the name of the guardian.


      The name of the guardian is displayed, if the nominee is a minor.
      • To edit the summary, click the Edit icon.
      • To delete the nominee, click the Delete icon.
  3. Click Submit.
    The screen is successfully submitted for authorization.


    The RD account number is displayed when RD account creation is successful.