6.1 Recurring Deposit 360

You can get an 360-degree view of a customer’s recurring deposit account using the Recurring Deposit 360 screen.

The various sections are:

  • Deposit Information

  • Account holders

  • Account details

  • Balances

  • Instruction set

  • Redemption Simulation

  • Amount Block Details

  • Rollover History

  • Interest Rate Changes

  • Overdue Transactions

  • Recent Transactions

  • Frequent Actions

To view the recurring deposit details:


The fields marked as Required are mandatory.
  1. On the Homepage, from the Retail Deposit Services mega menu, under Recurring Deposits and Recurring Deposit View, click Recurring Deposit 360 or specify Recurring Deposit 360 in the search icon bar and select the screen.

    The Recurring Deposit 360 screen is displayed.

    Figure 6-1 Recurring Deposit 360

    Description of Figure 6-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-1 Recurring Deposit 360"
  2. On the Recurring Deposit 360 screen, click the Search icon or specify the Account Number and press the Tab or Enter key.
    The details are displayed in the dashboard.

    Figure 6-2 Deposit Details for RD

    Description of Figure 6-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-2 Deposit Details for RD"
  3. You can view the RD details of the account holder in the dashboard displayed. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 6-1 Recurring Deposit 360 - Field Description

    Field Description

    Account Number

    Click the Search icon and select the account number or specify the account number for viewing the RD details.


    The account holder's name is also displayed adjacent to the field.

    <Product Name>

    Displays the product name from the product master.

    <Deposit Status>

    Displays the deposit status. The options for the status are:
    • Active

    • Matured

    • Closed

    <RD Account Number>

    Displays the RD account number.


    Displays deposit branch.

    <Deposit Term - Interest Rate>

    Displays the term for the deposit and interest rate for the deposit.

    Deposit Start Date

    Displays the value date of the deposit.

    Maturity On

    Displays the maturity date of the deposit.

    Installment Frequency

    Displays the frequency of installment.


    Specify if a nominee is registered or not.

    Account Holders

    This widget displays the account holder details.


    Displays the name of the account holder of the TD.

    Customer ID

    Displays the customer ID of the holder.


    Displays relationship as Primary or Secondary.

    Mobile Number

    Displays the mobile number of the customer.

    Email ID

    Displays the email ID of the customer.

    Account Details

    This widget displays the account details.

    Customer’s Address

    Displays the address of the primary customer.

    Mode of Operation

    Displays the mode of operation selected for the deposit.

    Installment Amount

    Displays the installment to be paid on every due date.

    Current Principal

    Displays the currently remaining principal balance in the deposit.

    Paid out Interest or Reinvested Interest

    Displays the amount and currency for the reinvested or paid out interest.


    • If the interest if of reinvest type, then the field name is displayed as Reinvested Interest.
    • If the interest if of paid out type, then the field name is displayed as Paid out Interest.

    Maturity Amount

    Displays the proceeds that will be paid out on maturity. This will be net of tax.

    Blocked Amount

    Displays the total block amount on the deposit.

    Tax Deducted

    Displays the tax deducted.

    Upcoming Transactions

    This widget displays the details of upcoming transactions for the RD account.

    Investment Summary

    This section displays the summary of the investment for the RD. To pay the due if any, click the Pay Dues link. For more information, refer RD Payment screen.

    Total Installments

    Displays the total installments of the specified RD account.

    Successful Installments

    Displays the number of successful installments of the specified RD account.


    Displays the number of installments due for the specified RD account.

    Instructions Set

    This widget displays the set of instructions set on the TD account.


    To create new set of instructions for the TD account, click the Set Instructions ink. For more information, refer RD Payout Modification screen.

    Redemption Simulation (As of Today)

    This widget displays the remdemption simulation of the day for the RD account. Click the Redeem Now link to redeem the RD account. For more information, refer RD Redemption - Application Entry screen.

    Redemption Amount

    Displays the total amount of RD redemption.


    Displays the principal redemption amount.

    Interest Rate

    Displays the interest rate applicable on the redemption.


    Displays the interest amount.


    Diaplays the tax amount charged.

    Redemption Proceeds

    Displays the redemeption proceeds for the RD account.

    Recent Transactions

    Displays the last five transactions on the deposit.

    Interest Rate Changes

    This widget displays the rate changes if any for the interest applied on the account.

    Net Rate

    Displays the net rate percentage of interest.


    Displays the date of interest rate change.

    Base Rate

    Displays the base rate percentage of interest.


    Displays the variance percentage of interest.

    <Number> Amount Blocks

    This widget displays the amunt block details of the account.


    To manage the amount blocks, click the Manage Amount Blocks link. For more information, refer View and Modify Amount Block screen.

    <Currency Amount>

    Displays the currency and amount of block.

    Block <Number>

    Displays the block number.


    Displays the block type.


    Displays the expiry date of the block.

    Frequent Actions

    This widget displays the frequent actions that were performed on the account.


    The actions are displayed as links. You can click the link and the related screen is opened in a new screen.


    • You can also launch the screens for performing various transactions on the account by clicking the Menu icon. A list of links displays under various menus. Click the required link from the list that displays. For more information on how to perform the transactions using the links, see the respective chapters. For image reference, see Mega Menu screenshot.
    • If the latest updates of the RD account performed is not displayed on the screen, you can refresh the screen by clicking the Refresh icon. The screen is refreshed and the latest changes are displayed.