1.4.1 Known Issues for Zipkin

Learn about the issues you may encounter when using Zipkin and how to work around them.

Application Service is not Registered

Perform the following steps to find the cause of this error:
  1. Check the applications, which are sending the trace report to the Zipkin server from Service Name drop-down list.
  2. If the required application is not listed in Zipkins, check the application.yml file for Zipkin base URL configuration.

    Figure 1-14 application.yml File


    The shipped application.yml should have the Zipkin entry. Every service should have spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin dependency added in the build gradle file for the service to generate and send trace Id and span Id.
  3. The necessary values are as follows:
    • Compile group: org.springframework.cloud

    • name: spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin

    • version: 2.1.2.RELEASE

    Figure 1-15 Branch Common Services

    Figure 1-16 Branch Common Services Trace

404 Error

If there is a 404 error, check if the zipkin-server.jar is running in the system where the application is deployed. To check this, execute the following command:

netstat -ltnup | grep ':9411'

A sample output is shown below:

tcp6    0    0    :::9411    :::*    LISTEN    10892/java


In the sample output, 10892 is the PID.

Unable to Change Zipkin Default Port Number

The default port number of the Zipkin is not editable. Hence, make sure that port 9411 is available to start the Zipkin-server.jar file.