4.4.1 Adding Ad hoc Tasks

You can add ad hoc tasks for any accounts associated with the case. For example, you can add ad hoc task for first notification letter sent to the customer.
To add an ad hoc task:
  1. Navigate to the Case Summary page.
  2. In the Account widget, select the required account from the account list.
  3. In the Task widget, click Add.
    The Add Adhoc Task section appears.
  4. From the Task Name list, select the task that you want to add.
  5. From the Segment list, select the segment of the task.
  6. From the Strategy list, select the strategy to which the task is associated.
  7. From the Assigned To list, select the collector to which you want to assign the task.
  8. From the Action list, select the action associated with the task.
  9. From the Result list, select the result of the action associated with the task.
  10. In the Apply new status to all accounts field, toggle the switch as applicable to indicate whether the new status is applicable to all accounts.
  11. From the Existing Collection Status list, select the existing collection status of the task.
  12. In the Follow-up Date field, select the date of follow-up for the task.
  13. In the Apply date to all initiated tasks field, toggle the switch as applicable to indicate whether the follow-up date is applicable to all initiated tasks.
  14. Click Save.