5.2 Account

This tab displays account-wise summary of the tasks that are assigned to you. It displays tasks related to the accounts that belong to segments where group basis is applicable and the group basis is Account.

If you are a supervisor, you can reassign account to another collector under your hierarchy. When you reassign an account to another collector, all the tasks related to the account are also assigned to the collector.

Table 5-3 Field Description: Account

Field Name Description
Filter This section helps you to filter the accounts based on account specific search criteria.
Segment Indicates the segment to which the account belongs.

Note: You can select multiple segments.

Account Number Indicates the account number.
Days Past Due Indicates the range within which the number of days past due for the account exists.
  • Min: Indicates the minimum number of days past due on the account.
  • Max: Indicates the maximum number of days past due on the account.
Overdue Amount Indicates the range within which the overdue amount on the account exists.
  • Min: Indicates the minimum amount overdue on the account.
  • Max: Indicates the maximum amount overdue on the account.
Customer ID Indicates the customer ID associated with the account.

Once you select the customer ID, customer name is displayed.

User Name Indicates user name of the collector or logged-in supervisor to whom the account is assigned.

Note: For supervisor role, this list displays user name of the supervisor, and user name of all collectors under the supervisor. You can select multiple user names.

For collector role, this field is not enabled and displays user name of the logged-in collector by default.

<Account List> This section displays the search results for accounts based on specified search parameters.
Account Number Displays the account number.
Customer Displays the name of the primary customer associated with the account number.
Segment Displays all the segments to which the account belongs.
Due Amount Displays the overdue amount on the account.
Product Type Displays the product type of the account.
DPD Displays the number of days past due on the account.
Task Not Started Displays the number of tasks assigned to you, which are in Not Started status.

Note: If you are a collector, it displays the number of tasks assigned to you.

If you are supervisor, it displays the number of tasks assigned to you and the collectors under you in various user groups where you are the supervisor.

Task Escalated Displays the number of tasks that are in Escalated status.

Note: If you are a collector, it displays the number of tasks assigned to you.

If you are supervisor, it displays the number of tasks assigned to you and the collectors under you in various user groups where you are the supervisor.

Task WIP Displays the number of tasks that are in progress. This includes the tasks in any status other than Not Started, Void, Expired, and Escalated status, and the tasks that are not in final status.

Note: If you are a normal collector, it displays the number of tasks assigned to you.

If you are supervisor collector, it displays the number of tasks assigned to you and the collectors under you in various user groups where you are the supervisor.

User Assigned Displays the user name of the collector to whom the task is assigned.
Actions Indicates the action that can be performed.

Click navigate to case summary to navigate to Case Summary page. If you navigate to Case Summary page from here, the particular account number is in context.