1.17 Consolidate Rollover

Use Consolidate Rollover to consolidate one or more contracts into a single parent contract.

You can consolidate one or more contracts into a single parent contract. This can be done through the Consolidation Rollover menu under syndication module. You can initiate the process flow and the application moves through various stages of the business process flow. The process of consolidate rollover can be initiated by the Relationship Manager or any bank user (with relevant rights). The list of stages that are required for a Consolidate Rollover process is pre-defined in Conductor process and the data segments that are applicable for every stage can be configured in Business Process maintenance. Based on this setup, system derives the process flow for every loan application.

The process flow pre-defined for Consolidate Rollover is provided for quick reference:
  1. Consolidation Rollover Entry
  2. Consolidation Rollover Approval
  3. Retry Consolidation Rollover Handoff

To initiate Consolidation Rollover

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the Homepage, from Corporate Lending, under Operations, click Syndication.
  2. On the Syndication, click Consolidation Rollover .
    The Consolidation Rollover screen is displayed.

  3. In the Consolidation Rollover screen, provide the required details.

    Table 1-17 Consolidation Rollover

    Field Description
     Borrower Number Click Search to view and select the required Customer Identification number or you can also type the Customer Number.
    Customer Name Based on the Customer Number selected, the information is auto populated.
    Business Product Click Search to view and select the required Business product. Based on the Business product, system derives the following details to process the loan application.
    • Applicable stages and its data segments
    • Required documents and checklists
    • Stage level advices
    Application Date Select an application date from the drop-down calendar. The system defaults the current system date as the application initiation date.
    Facility Details Displays the list of all facilities that are created for the Customer Number. You can select the appropriate Facility ID.
    Tranche Details Displays the list of all tranches under the facility that are created for the Customer. You can select the appropriate tranche ID under which the loans to be consolidated.
  4. Click Initiate to begin the process.

    On submit of the screen, a unique Application Registration number is auto generated by the system, which are used throughout the process and for further tracking.

    Based on the user rights the system navigates the user to the first manual stage of the process flow.

    Data Segments

    Provides information about the usage of data segments that are configured at each stage. Every data segment can be configured as a mandatory or non-mandatory at Business Process Code maintenance based on the business product code defined. Each data segment has the following action buttons.
    • Back: System moves the task to the previous segment.
    • Next: System moves the task to the next screen. If mandatory fields are not entered, system will display error.
    • Save and Close: You can save and close the task and reopen it to work later.
    • Cancel: You can cancel the task window and return to dashboard. The data input is not saved.
    Each data segment has the option to upload the specific documents required for the application. Below are the sample date segment which can be configured for this process flow.

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