1.3.2 Viewing External Accounting Log

External Accounting Log screen contains OL/LS transaction details with External Accounting System linkage.
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the homepage, type OLSEACLG and click next arrow.
    The External Accounting Log screen is displayed.

    Figure 1-6 External Accounting Log

  2. In this screen, you can view the request sent from OL and LS module and view the response (received for the request sent) from the External Accounting System.
  3. You can search records based on the following parameters:
    • External Reference Number
    • Branch
    • External Accounting System
    • Operation Code
    • Process Status
    • Message Reference Number
    Click Search button with or without entering any of the above search parameters. All records matching the search criteria are displayed. To view a particular record double-click on the desired record displayed in the list of records. The details pertaining to each record is displayed.