Application of Utilization Fee

The following example illustrates the application of utilization fee based on the Slab/Tier structure.


Consider a tranche for 10 M USD. The fee structure is given below. Further, the calculation assumes 365 days in a year:
Tranche Utilization Amount Util Fee
< 7 Million 0.00
> 7 Mio to < 9 Mio 0.20
> 9 Mio 0.25

Case 1: Calculation based on the Slab structure

Day Utilization % Derived from fee structure Fee Amount
Day1 5,500,000.00 0.00 0.00
Day2 8,000,000.00 0.20 43.83 (8000000 x 0.20/36500)
Day3 9,500,000.00 0.25 65.07

Case 2: Calculation based on the Tier structure

Day Utilization % Derived from fee structure Fee Amount
Day1 5,500,000.00 0.00 0.00
Day2 7,000,000.00 0.00 0.00
Day2 1,000,000.00 0.20 5.48
Day2 Total for Day 2 (Util=8,000,000.00)   5.48
Day3 7,000,000.00 0.00 0.00
Day3 2,000,000.00 0.20 10.95
Day3 500,000.00 0.25 3.42
Day3 Total for Day 2 (Util=9,500,000.00)   14.37
You can also define the above fee structure as a percentage of the tranche amount, as shown below:
Tranche Utilization Amount Util Fee
< 70 % 0.00
> 70 % to < 90 % 0.20
> 90 % 0.25
The system uses the following amount tags for calculation of utilization and non-utilization fee. The formula to arrive at the amounts is also given.
  • Outstanding Amount

    Outstanding Amount = ΣDrawdown amount-ΣDrawdown Repayment

  • Non-Utilization amount
    There are two types:
    • For non-revolving:

      Non-Utilization Amount = Tranche Current Limit - ΣDrawdown amount

    • For revolving:

      Non-Utilization Amount = Tranche Current Limit - ΣDrawdown amount +ΣDrawdown repaid

  • Tranche Current Limit

    Tranche Current Limit = Initial Tranche Amount - ΣTranche reduction amount till date

You can define Utilization and Non-Utilization fee rules in the Fee Rule – Definition screen.

For more details on this screen refer the Processing Charges and Fees chapter of this User Manual.


The fee is calculated on the everyday balance and collected as per the schedule you define in the SCHEDULE tab of the LB Tranche Contract Online screen.