2.7.1 Message Types Maintenance for a Module

You can maintain the message types that are to be available for generation at the occurrence of a diary event in the Diary Event Maintenance screen.

When you make the appropriate message types available for each module in this manner, you can associate the available message type with the appropriate diary event applicable to a contract in the Diary Event Messages screen.

For more details on this screen, refer the heading titled Associating message types to events in this chapter.

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Diary Event Maintenance screen.

  1. From the Diary Event Maintenance screen, click Message Fields.
    The Message Fields screen is displayed.
  2. In the above screen, you can capture the following:
    • Field Tags

      You can capture a name for each field tag. You can specify up to 30 field tags. The selected field tags are used in the message.

    • User Defined Field Tags

      You can maintain field tags for user-defined information in the User Defined Fields section of the screen. You can maintain up to 10 different such tags here.

      For each field tag, you must specify:
      • Tag Name

        Specify a name to identify the user-defined field (UDF). The name can use upto 20- alphanumeric characters. The system displays a serial number for each field added.

      • Tag Datatype
        Specify the type of data that can be entered as the UDF value. The available options are:
        • Character
        • Numeric
        • Date
      • Tag Date Format
        If you specify that the value of the UDF should be of Date type, then you also have to specify the date format. The available options are:
        • DD/MON/YYYY
        • DD/MM/YYYY
        • MM/DD/YYYY