5.2.9 Specifying Drawdown Entity Details

You can view the borrower entity details in the Borrower Entities screen. These details default from the tranche associated with the drawdown.

Specify the User ID and Password, login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Drawdown Contract Detail screen.

  1. From the Drawdown Contract Detail screen, click Entity.
    The Borrower Entities screen is displayed.
  2. You can modify only the following parameters:
    • SSI Counterparty

      By default, the drawdown borrower is displayed here. You can change the counterparty if the borrower requests to process the settlements through another account. The option list displays the names of all the customers maintained in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending.

    • SSI Mnemonic

      SSI Mnemonics are maintained in the Settlement Instructions screen for a Counterparty, Module, Currency, Product and Branch combination. The same is available for the counterparty/borrower of the drawdown. The Mnemonic selected here obtains the settlement details for the borrower of the contract and the same defaults to the Settlement Message Details screen.

      If you do not select the SSI Mnemonic, system defaults the SSI Mnemonic for the counterparty and contract currency when you exit the screen.


    • If you do not specify the Branch as ALL for local currency contracts and participant transfers in the Settlement Instruction Maintenance screen, the System displays the following error message.

      Select the appropriate ssi mnemonic applicable for the selected currency

    • If you do not specify the Branch as Transaction for foreign currency contracts and participant transfers in the Settlement Instruction Maintenance screen, the System displays the above mentioned error message.