2.1.2 Releationship

In this data segment you can add and view relationships of the customer.

In this data segment you can add and view relationships of the customer. While onboarding a customer, adding the relationship details is benefical to both customer and bank. Below are the available relationship types,

  • Service Member - If related party is served in military services
  • Guardian – If related party is a guardian of minor customer who is getting onboarded

To add customer relationship details:

The Relationship screen appears.
  1. Click Next in Customer Consent and Preference screen to proceed with the next data segment, after successfully capturing the data.
    The Relationship screen displays.

    Figure 2-6 Stake Holder Details

  2. In the Relationships screen, select the appropriate relationship tab to add the details.
  3. If the party is auto populated on the screen then click the party name to expand the section and add related party.
  4. Click

    to add the party. The Add New<Relationship Type> popup appears for entering the CIF or Party ID.
    The party related to the customer can be either of the following:
    • An existing customer of the bank
    • An existing party who is non-customer to the bank but is a stakeholder to another customer
  5. In the CIF/Party ID field, enter the CIF or party Id and click Next to add the party. OR Click

    to search party.
  6. If you search for the party then Search Party screen appears.
  7. Specify the details in the relevant data fields.


    The fields, which mentioned as Required, are mandatory.
    For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-6 Search Party

    Field Description
    Individual Select if the party is individual.
    Non- Individual Select if the party is non-individual.
    First Name Specify the first name of the party.
    Middle Name Specify the middle name of the party.
    Last Name Specify the last name of the party.
    Date of Birth Specify the date of birth of the party.
    Unique ID Specify the unique identification number of the party.
    Mobile Number Specify mobile number of the party.
    E-mail Specify the email address of the party.
    Fetch Click the button to fetch the details based on the entered search criteria.
    Clear Click the button to clear the entered details.
    Stakeholder Type Displays the type of the stakeholder.
    CIF Displays the CIF ID of the existing customer.
    First Name Displays the first name of the stakeholder.
    Middle Name Displays the middle name of the stakeholder.
    Last Name Displays the last name of the stakeholder.
    Party ID Displays the party ID of the existing customer who is not onboarded.
    Is Customer Displays whether the customer exist within the bank.
  8. Double click on the record which you want to select.
  9. Click Add to add as a related customer. You can view the selected customer in the tabular format.

    Table 2-7 Relationship

    Field Description
    Party Type Displays the party type.
    CIF/ Party ID

    Displays the unique identification number.

    For an existing customer, the CIF number is displayed.

    For an existing non customer, the Party ID is displayed.

    Name Displays the name of the customer.
    ID/ Registration Number Displays the ID or registration number of the added customer.
    Is Customer Displays whether the added party is an existing customer within the bank.
    Action Click to

    delete the added ID details.
  10. Click Next to navigate to the next data segment, after successfully capturing the data.