3.3.5 Specify Upload Source Preferences

This topic provides the systematic instructions to specify upload source preferences.

You can set preferences for upload of data from an external source in the ‘Upload Source Preferences Maintenance’ screen.
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type CODUPLDM in the text box, and click the next arrow.
    The Upload Source Preferences Maintenance screen is displayed.

  2. On Upload Source Preferences Maintenance screen, specify the fields.
    For information on fields, refer to Table 3-10:

    Table 3-10 Upload Source Preferences Maintenance - Field Description

    Field Description
    Source Code Select Source Code from the option list. Depending on the source code you select here data is uploaded from that source into Oracle Banking Trade Finance.
    Module Code You can choose to upload data from a source directly onto a module in Oracle Banking Trade Finance. Indicate the module into which you would like to upload data from a given source.
    On Override Oracle Banking Trade Finance generates override messages in case it encounters any discrepancies during data upload. You can choose to do any of the following:
    • Ignore – Select this option to ignore such error messages and continue with the upload process.
    • Override – Select this option to put the record on hold for user intervention later.
    • Reject – Select this option to reject the record.
    On Exception In case a serious error occurs during data upload, Oracle Banking Trade Finance generates an error message. You can choose to put the record with the error on hold. In such a case, choose ‘Move To Queue’ from the list of options available. If you would like to reject the record altogether, choose ‘Reject’.
    Post Upload Status If you would like to automatically authorize the data that is uploaded into Oracle Banking Trade Finance choose the ‘Authorize’ option here.

    If you would like the record to be put on hold choose this option in this field.

    If you would like the record to be unauthorized, choose the ‘Unauthorized’ option in this field. The record will not be authorized automatically on upload. You will have to manually authorize the data.

    Purge Days (Calendar) Specify the days maintained for purging of the data uploaded.
    Allow Deferred Processing Check this option to defer processing of amendment and cancellation uploads.
    Allow EOD with Deferred Check this option to proceed even if the records exist in the deferred processing log.

    If it is unchecked, then the EOD process halts until the deferred process log is cleared.

    Allow Delete Check this option to delete the process log.