3.17.2 View the Errors

If the system encounters any errors during the authorization of a special deal, it will record the error and move on to the next contract. Among the deals selected for authorization, there are certain deals, which are created by the user who is authorizing. As the maker and checker cannot be the same, the system will record an error, as it cannot authorize the deal.

  1. On the Bulk Authorization Detailed screen, click View Error.

    Bulk Authorization Detailed with View Error details is displayed.

    Figure 3-25 Bulk Authorization Detailed - View Error

    Description of csduauth__cvs_errors.jpg follows
    Description of the illustration csduauth__cvs_errors.jpg
  2. On the Bulk Authorization detailed screen, specify the details as required.

    System will display the reference number of the deals, which could not be authorized and the reason for the failure of deal authorization.