1 Troubleshooting Technical Flows

This topic describes about various programming issues, possible causes, and solutions to resolve the issues.

This topic contains the following subtopics:

1.1 Where is the Problem

This topic describes about troubleshooting the problem in the distributed system.

Troubleshooting the problem in the distributed system can be challenging, if not understood fully. Each product has UI application components and service side application components. Each side requires different troubleshooting techniques and various logs that can be used to corroborate the problem.

It is important to establish the area of the problem on the service side. It can be achieved by a complete understanding of UI and service side flows along with the data architecture of an application.

Figure 1-1 Distributed Flow Across Micro Services

1.2 Preliminary Checks from UI

This topic provides systematic instructions to launch the application and check for the basic errors.

  1. Launch the application with delegated URL.
  2. Press F12 key and select Inspect and See network.
  3. Verify that all the call responses are successful.


    Usually Red color indicates non 2xx HTTP response.
  4. Export the trace using the Export in browsers.
    Example: The user can see the export option as shown below in Chrome.


    The tools such as Fiddler and Wireshark can be used to get the browser to API gateway web traffic. This helps to investigate the exact request and response payloads exchanged between UI and API Gateway.

1.3 Troubleshooting Environmental Issues

This topic describes about the troubleshooting environmental issues.

This topic contains the following subtopics:

1.3.1 Possible Issues While Deploying Services

This topic describes about the possible issues while deploying services

Service Deployment is failing due to Flyway

If the service deployment is failing due to flyway, verify that the object or record is already present and make changes in the flyway scripts accordingly.

You may check flyway_schema_history table of the respective schema for finding the flyway script entries.

Other Possible Issues

The other possible issue while deploying services could be multiple versions of dependency jars present in the war file.

Example: weblogic.application.naming.EnvironmentException: duplicate persistence units with name PLATO in scope cmc-customer-services-{version}.war.

1.3.2 Possible Issues in Login and Screen Launch

This topic describes the possible issues that may occur while logging in and launching the screens.

Login Page is not Launching

Perform the following checks if the login page is not launching.

  1. Check whether the app-shell war file is deployed.
  2. Make sure that the war file is up and running in the deployed managed server and try to login again.
  3. Check whether the user has logged in with the appshell URL according to the war file deployed.
  4. Check whether the required component-server wars like cmc-component-server, obvam-component-server etc are also deployed along with the app-shell.

    Example: http://<ip-address>:<Port>/app-shell/index.jsp will load the login page of the application.

    In the above URL, the name app-shell is dynamic which depends on the name of war file deployed.

Unable to login after launching the application

Perform the following check if you are not able to login after the application is launched.
  • Make sure that the plato-api-gateway service, plato-ui-config service, sms-core-service, and common core services are up and running.

Unable to login after restarting the services

Perform the following check if you are not able to login after restarting the services.
  • Make sure that the LDAP server is up and running, and check if the entered credentials are correct.

Menus are not displayed after logging in

Perform the following checks if the menus are not displayed after logging in.
  1. Map the functional activity codes in the table SMS_TM_ROLE_ACTIVITY.
  2. Once it is mapped, check if the corresponding role is assigned to your user id.

Screens are not launching after logging in

Perform the following check if you are not able to launch the screens after logging in.
  • Make sure that the respective services are up and running.


    Verify the VPN connection while trying to troubleshoot the issues related to page launching, etc.