

This guide provides the guidance to users for the issues within the application. It describes the various methods to figure out the error and then troubleshoot it.


This guide is intended for the software developers and software testers.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

The list of the acronyms and abbreviations used in this guide are as follows:

Table -1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
SMS Security Management System
CMC Common Core
MOC Mid office Common Core
ELK Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana

List of Topics

This guide is organized as follows:

Table -2 List of Topics

Topics Description
Troubleshooting Technical Flows This topic provides the information about the platform-wide troubleshooting of technical flows. It includes UI side checking, Service side logs, tracing using Zipkin, debugging using ELK stack, and some environmental issues of Weblogic.
Troubleshooting Kafka This topic provides the information on the troubleshooting kafka.
Health Checks This topic provides the information about the health check measures and observability required.
Troubleshooting Functional Workflows This topic provides the information about the Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management specific troubleshooting flows and specific data stores that can be checked for issues. It includes Oracle Banking Virtual Account Management sub-domain (wars) and high-level flow of Cash Deposit transaction and key Process Log table to be checked to troubleshoot transaction flow.
Troubleshooting OutOfMemory issues This topic provides the information on troubleshooting OutOfMemory issues.



The prerequisites are as follows:

  • Basic understanding of Eventing platform
  • Basic understanding application log analysis using tools
  • Basic understanding DB changes

Pre-installed Softwares

The following softwares should be pre-installed:

  • Zipkin
  • Kafka
  • ELK
  • Any SQL Database like SQLDEVELOPER
  • WinSCP

General Prevention

Do not make any changes to Flyway scripts manually.

Best Practices

The best practices are as follows:

  • It is ideal to have ELK stack installed on a separate VM outside the product VMs to ensure the flow of logs in case of an app crash.
  • Log levels can be adjusted to INFO and above to enable relevant logs to flow in.

Related Documents

The related documents are as follows:
  • Oracle Banking Common Core User Guide
  • Oracle Banking Getting Started User Guide
  • Oracle Banking Security Management System User Guide
  • Overview User Guide
  • Charges User Guide
  • Configuration User Guide
  • Customer and Accounts User Guide
  • Identifier User Guide
  • Transactions User Guide