2.2 Personal Information

This topic provides the systematic instruction to view the personal information about the customer in the left pane of the Retail 360 page.

Before you begin, open the Retail 360 page. For more information, refer to Retail 360 Page.

The following table describes the different sections in the Personal Information tile:

Table 2-2 Personal Information - Section Description

Section Description
Profile Picture Displays the picture, name, and unique ID of the customer.
Signature Displays the signature of the customer in bank records.
Contact Information Displays the communication address of the customer.
Other Information Displays the name in local language, details of special needs, and relationship manager details.
KYC Indicates the KYC compliance status of the customer.
Dependents Displays the dependent details of the customer.
Anniversaries Displays the anniversary details of the customer and their dependents.
Documents Displays the documents submitted by the customer.
Employment Information Displays the employment details of the customer.


The Dependants section displays the dependant information.

Figure 2-3 Dependants

  1. On the Retail 360 page, in the Dependents section, click Household View to view the dependent information in the tree view.
    The Household View window displays.
  2. Click close icon icon to exit the Household View window.
  3. On the Retail 360 page, in the Dependents section, click Household Balance to view the balance in all the dependent accounts.
    The Household Balance window displays.
  4. Select the Products from the drop-down list. The options available are:
    • All
    • Assets
    • Liabilities
    • Fee Income Products
    The Household Balance for Selected Product displays.

    Figure 2-6 Household Balance for Selected Product

  5. Click close icon icon to exit the Household Balance window.

DocumentsThe Documents section displays the details of all the documents submitted by the customer.

  1. On the Retail 360 page, in the Documents section, click All Documents.
  2. Click close icon icon to exit the Documents window.

Employment Information:

The Employment window displays the employment history.

Figure 2-9 Employment Information

  1. On the Retail 360 page, in the Employment Information section, click View Employment History to view the employment details.

    Figure 2-10 View Employment History

  2. Click the close icon icon to exit the Employment window.