1.12 System Maintenance

System maintenance describes the systematic instructions to configure system behavior properties.

This screen is to configure system behavior properties for different party type such as handoff to host required.

To initiate System Maintenance

  1. On Home screen, click Party Services. Under Party Services, click Maintenance.
  2. Under Maintenance, click System Maintenance. Under System Maintenance, click View and Update System Property.
    The View and Update System Property screen is displayed.

    Figure 1-23 View and Update System Property

  3. On the View and Update System Property screen, specify the fields. For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-15 View and Update System Property - Field Description

    Field Description
    Config Key Displays the configuration key.
    Retail Enable toggle button if required for the config key.
    SMB Enable toggle button if required for the config key.
    Corporate Enable toggle button if required for the config key.
    SME Enable toggle button if required for the config key.
    FI Enable toggle button if required for the config key.
    Action Click the necessary icon to edit or save a row.

    The system property for the config key can be updated using system maintenance for different party types. For more information on the configuration key, refer to the Table 1-16

    Table 1-16 Config Key Description

    Config Key Description
    SYNC_REQUIRED Configuration to enable or disable party information sync with host system for different party types.
    STP_FLAG Configuration to enable or disable straight through processing for different party types.
    HOST_HANDOFF_REQUIRED Configuration to enable and disable host handoff for different party types.
    AUTO_GENERATE_CIFID Configuration to enable and disable party id generation for different party types.
    CMC_REPLICATION_REQUIRED Configuration to enable and disable party information replication to common core external customer for different party types.
  4. Click Save.