6.3.3 Task Details

For a new batch rule, the Task Details pane will initially be empty. Use the Task Selector to populate the Task Details pane with the processes to run in the batch. For a Sequential batch, the Task Details pane presents the tasks in the order in which they will be run. For a Parallel batch, all tasks are initiated in parallel.

The Task Details pane also provides a Delete icon for removing tasks from the batch.

  • Delete: Selecting one or more rows in the Task Details page enables the Delete icon. Click Delete to remove the task or tasks that you have selected. You can also remove tasks through the Task Selection window.
  • Task Selector: The Task Selector icon is always enabled. Click the Task Selector to open the Task Selection window.

    Figure 6-6 Task Details pane of Simplified Batch details Window

    This pane of Simplified Batch Details window allows you to select or delete a particular task.

This screen displays the following fields:

  • Task Number: Each task is arranged sequentially by the task number.
  • Rule Name: Displays the task's short name, such as an Allocation rule name. The complete or long name under which the task is submitted for execution (becoming the task's Batch Run ID) is a concatenation of several identifiers, as noted in the View Log. For more information, see the Viewing the Task Logs section.
  • Task Type: Use Simplified Batches to submit the different tasks for each of the application engines and various other components. For ALM, the following task types can be submitted within a Simplified Batch:
    • ALM Dynamic Deterministic
    • ALM Dynamic Stochastic/Historical Simulation
    • ALM Static Deterministic
    • ALM Static Stochastic/Historical Simulation
    • Cash Flow Edits
    • Extract Data
    • SQL Rule
    • Transform Data
    This list will vary based on the installed Application pack (or packs).
    • As of Dates and Additional Parameters: The As of Date applicable to each task within a Simplified Batch will vary by task type. Some task types also accept runtime parameters. For more information about the task parameters, see the Specifying Task Parameters section in the OFS Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide.
    • Folder or Source: For Extract Data tasks, values in this column represent Sources. For Transform Data tasks, this column is not applicable and is left blank. For all other task types, values in this column represent the Folder in which a rule is stored.