5.12.2 Data Validation

  • Check if Batch run id or mis date or User name is null. If Yes, then write message in FSI_MESSAGE log and exit.
  • Check if the given user name exists in FSI_M_USER_ACTIVE_TIME_BUCKETS table. If user does not exist, then write error message in FSI_MESSAGE table and exit.
  • The time bucket mapped to user in FSI_M_USER_ACTIVE_TIME_BUCKETS table should be present in FSI_INCOME_SIMULATION_BUCKETS table. If time bucket is not present in fsi_income_simulation_buckets table, then write error message in fsi_message table and exit.
  • Only financial elements corresponding to Income Simulation Buckets (ISB), Liquidity risk (LR) and Interest Rate Risk (IRR) will be processed.
  • If process id is given as parameter, then run the loader program for the given process id. If process id is not given, then the loader program will be run for all the process ids mapped in the set up table with status 'N'.
  • Verify that the given process is present in FSI_ALM_DETERMINISTIC_PROCESS table and FSI_M_ALM_PROCESS table. If not present, then write error message in fsi_message table and exit.
  • Check if the given process id mapped in fsi_cash_flow_loader_setup table is of status 'N'.
  • Cash-flow date of each record must correspond correctly to valid time bucket dates in FSI_TIME_BKT_ISB and/or FSI_TIME_BKT_LR_IRR_DATES tables. However if this check fails, the user will be informed of the improper records through an error message (see Exception 9).
  • Check if the set up table is mapped correctly or not.
    • Check if the given process id mapped to a scenario is present in the stg_account_cash_flow table.
    • Check if the entire scenario mapped in the set up table with a functional currency value has its base currency present.
  • Check if 'consolidated_output_flag' in the FSI_ALM_DETERMINISTIC_PROCESS table is 1. If yes, write to consolidated tables.
  • Verify that all the dimension ids given in the stg_account_cash_flow table is valid and present in the respective dimension tables.
  • In the case of instrument level cash flows, the following conditions should be satisfied to proceed:

    In the setup_master table for the V_COMPONENT_CODE =123, the v_component_value should be either 0 or 1 which indicates account number or identity number is given in the STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOW table, respectively.

    Identity code and id_number/account number should be present in the stg_account_cash_flow table.