• The Start_Date and End_Date parameters will hold numeric values identifying the fiscal month. The value of these parameters will be between 1 and 12 (that is, M1 till M12).
  • The Start_Date and End_Date parameters will specify the range of fiscal months which are to be processed. Ex: M1 till M6 in case the Start_Date and End_Date values are 1 and 6.
  • In this case the Start_Date and End_Date are mandatory.

Ledger Load can be executed in 2 different ways:

  • Using PL/SQL:

    By using the function

    ofsa_util.wrapper_ledger_stat_load('BATCH_ID','MIS_DATE', TABLE_NAME', TABLE_TYPE', 'UPDATE_MODE', 'INSERT_ONLY','START_DATE','END_DATE');


    DECLARE x NUMBER :=0; BEGIN x := ofsa_util.wrapper_ledger_stat_load('batch_id_1','20090202','STG_GL_DATA','CALENDAR_MONTHS','ADD','Y','20070430','20080331'); dbms_output.put_line ('The return variable is ' || x); END;

  • Using Batch Maintenance

    To execute the procedure from OFSAAI Batch Maintenance, create a new Batch with the Task as TRANSFORM DATA and specify the following parameters for the task:

    • Datastore Type: Select appropriate datastore from list
    • Datastore Name: Select appropriate name from the list
    • IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    • Rule Name: fn_ledgerDataLoader
    • Parameter List: <Same as mentioned above in the parameter list>