5.2 Generating Experiment from Recommendation

OFSCA offers recommendations to tackle the identified deficiencies. A deficiency can be a low scenario performance or a high account/ channel vulnerability. The recommendations aim to tune the scenario with the highest chances of addressing the selected deficiency. To generate recommended thresholds for the scenario, OFSCA evaluates the performance of simulated TMS against multiple sets of candidate thresholds within proximity of the production (currently applied) values. A set of candidates is evaluated by using a combined metric analyzing both the percentage of episodes getting alerted and the average number of distinct alerts per episodes. OFSCA recommends the set that has performed optimally as per the metric. This section describes the process for generating experiments to assess the effectiveness of these recommendations.

To generate an experiment for the particular segments, follow these steps:
  1. Click Open Ask Oracle logo to display the Ask Oracle window.
  2. Click Transaction Monitoring Performance menu to display the Transaction Monitoring Performance dashboard. The following window is displayed.

    Figure 5-19 Transaction Monitoring Performance Dashboard

  3. Click the required segment (for example, APAC_MR) to view the individual segment dashboard. The following window is displayed.
    This dashboard presents the insights generated for the scenario performance, account vulnerability, and transaction product vulnerability.
    For each Insight, we see OFSCA-identified scenarios that can be adapted to address the identified vulnerabilities for each section. Besides, OFSCA provides specific threshold recommendations for the scenarios identified.