Segment Strength

You can view the experiments for the following cases:

  • System Experiment: This allows you to view the experiments which depicts system strength.
  • Typology: This allows you to view the experiments which covers typology scenarios like Human Trafficking
To view result of the generated experiment for System Experiments and Typology, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the required Experiment Id in the Experiments tab to view the System Experiments results. The following window is displayed.
    (Optional) Here, the expected change in performance of the system and the expected change in alert volume are displayed. An experiment is successful, if there is an increase in system strength without a disproportionate increase in alert volume.
  2. Click on the required Experiment Id in the Experiments tab to view the typology results. The following window is displayed.

    Figure 5-18 Typology Experiment

    If you select a Typology Experiments, for example,  Human Trafficking, a detailed report in terms of Red Flag Coverage is displayed for the same. The Metrics cover seven different patterns as below:
    1. Purchases at known online trafficking/dating websites, as well as frequent purchases of clothing, pharmacies, taxi services, movie theatres, hotels
    2. Transactional activity largely occurs outside of normal business operating hours (for example, an establishment that operates during the day has a large number of transactions at night), is almost always made in cash, and deposits are larger than what is expected for the business and the size of its operations.
    3. High risk industries includes hotels, restaurants, bars, escort services, massage businesses
    4. Funnel accounts generally involve an individual or business account in one geographic area that receives multiple cash deposits, often in amounts below the cash reporting threshold, from which the funds are withdrawn in a different geographic area with little time elapsing between the deposits and withdrawals.
    5. Customers frequently appear to move through and transact from different geographic locations in the United States. These transactions can be combined with travel and transactions in and to foreign countries, which are significant conduits for sex trafficking.
    6. A customer frequently sends or receives funds via cryptocurrency
    7. Financial control pattern as described in the Polaris report. The Value closer to 100 indicates higher Coverage. However, a value close to 0 indicated lesser Coverage.