5.2.2 View Analysis

To view the identified vulnerability in detail, follow the step:

  1. Click View Analysis on the segment dashboard in each of the tiles provides a more detailed analysis of the identified vulnerability.
    For account vulnerability, it presents an analysis of the agent's transactional activity involving the most vulnerable account type.
    It presents a breakdown of activity in the account type by transaction product as well as the range of activity observed for each of these transaction products for credits and debits.
    For transaction product vulnerability, it presents an analysis of the agent's transactional activity involving the most vulnerable transaction product type.
    It presents a breakdown of activity in the transaction product type by account as well as the range of activity observed for each of these account types for credits and debits
    This can also inform hypotheses a user can test using custom experiments. For example, if the account vulnerability analysis indicates that wires are the most commonly used transaction product for a specific account, a user can try tuning thresholds of scenarios that monitor wires.
  2. Hoverover to view details