9.4 Executing the Fact Management Reporting Transformation

You can execute the Fact Management Reporting Transformation function from the Operations module of OFSAAI. This component is seeded with the Processes PR_LEDGER_STAT and PR_MGMT_REPORTING, which can be executed from the Run Rule Framework of OFSAAI. In the Parameter List, include pstart_month, pend_month, pyears, prcy, pre_run_flg, and pTable_name. A detailed description of each parameter is provided under point 5 below.

For example: 1, 8, 2018, 'USD', 'Y', 'FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER'

You can also define a new Batch and an underlying Task definition from the Batch Maintenance window of OFSAAI. For more information on defining a new Batch, refer to section OFS Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide.

To define a new task for a Batch definition, follow these steps:

  1. Select the check box adjacent to the newly created Batch Name in the Batch Maintenance window.
  2. Click the Add icon (+) from the Task Details grid.

    The Task Definition window is displayed.

  3. Enter the Task ID and Description.
  4. Select the Run Executable component from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the following from the Dynamic Parameters list:
    • Datastore Type: Select the appropriate datastore type from the list.
    • Datastore Name: Select the appropriate datastore name from the list.
    • IP address: Select the IP address from the list.
    • Rule Name: Select FCT_MGMT_TRANSFORMATION from the drop-down list of available transformations. (This is a seeded Data Transformation which is installed as part of the OFS EFPA application installer. If you don't see this in the list, contact Oracle Support).
    • Parameter List: Enter pstart_month, pend_month, pyears, prcy, pre_run_flg, and pTable_name.
    • pStart_Month: This parameter indicates the starting Month.
    • pEnd_Month: This parameter indicates the ending Month.
    • pYears: This is a mandatory parameter that indicates the Year value.
    • prcy: This indicates the reporting currency with default value 'USD'.
    • pRe_Run_Flg: This is an optional parameter that indicates the Re-run Flag. If the value is 'Y', the existing data in the fact table will be removed and reloaded.
    • pTable_name: This is a mandatory parameter that takes the source table ‘FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER' as a value.
  6. Click Save.

    The Task definition is saved on the selected Batch.

  7. Execute the batch.
    You can execute a Batch definition from the Batch Execution section of the OFSAAI Operations module. Fact Management Reporting Transformation can also be directly executed on the database through SQLPLUS. Details are:
    • Function Name: fn_mgmt_rep_mgmt_ledger_trm
    • Parameters: pBatch_Id, pAs_of_date, pStart_Month, pEnd_Month, pYears, pRCY, pRe_Run_Flg, and pTable_name

      Sample Parameter Values are 'Batch1', '20091231', 1, 8, 2009, 'USD', 'Y' and 'FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER' respectively.

This transformation deletes only the management ledger data which was loaded earlier for the same reporting date, keeping any other data intact in the table FCT_MGMT_REPORTING.