Product Penetration

This tab allows you to generate the Product Penetration Report that displays the number of customers by product and the selected period.

You can generate the report from this tab by applying the filters detailed in the following table:

Table 3-27 Product Penetration Tab

Filter level Filter Filter Type
Dashboard Legal Entity Drop-down list
Line of Business Drop-down list
As-of-Date Date selection
Currency Type Drop-down list
Amount in Drop-down list
Page Period level Button selection

The Product Penetration report is displayed when you apply the filters. The values in the Month and No. Of Open Customer Columns display the month-wise actual data. The following example shows the month column values the values for its corresponding period levels:

  • Period Level Select >Month: The month Column displays the current Month and No of Open Customers displays the actual number of customers.
  • Period Level Select >Quarter: The month Column displays the months of the Quarter and No of Open Customers displays the actual number of customers per corresponding month of the Quarter.
  • Period Level Select >Year: The month Column displays the months of the Year and No of Open Customers displays the actual number of customers per corresponding month of the Year.