12.1 Application Pack FAQs

You can see the Frequently Asked Questions which is developed with the interest to help you resolve some of the OFS HM Installation and configuration issues. This intends to share the knowledge of problem resolution to a few of the known issues. This is not an official support document and just attempts to share the knowledge of problem resolution to a few of the known issues.

  1. What is an Application pack?

    An Application Pack is a suite of products.

  2. Can I get a standalone installer for OFSAAI 8.1?

    No. AAI is part of every application pack and installs automatically.

  3. Where can I download OFS HM Application Pack?

    You can download the OFSAAI Application Pack from My Oracle Support (MOS).

  4. What are the minimum system and software requirements for the OFS HM 8.1 Application Pack?

    See the Hardware and Software Requirements for more information.

  5. Is my environment compatible with OFS HM Application Pack?

    Environment Check utility performs the task. It is part of the install and can also be run separately.

  6. Does the OFS HM Application Pack support all Operating systems?

    See the Hardware and Software Requirements section.

  7. How can I install the OFS AAI Application Pack?

    See the OFS AAAI Release Installation and Configuration Guide.

  8. Does this installation require any Third-party Software?

    For details on the third-party software tools used, see the OFSAA Licensing Information user Manual Release

  9. What languages are supported during the OFSAA Application Pack installation?

    US English is the language supported.

  10. What mode of installations OFSAA Application Pack supports [that is., Silent, GUI]?

    OFSAA Application Packs support only Silent Mode.

  11. Does OFSAA Application Pack support Multi-tier Installations?

    OFSAA supports only a single-tier installation. For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Error Dictionarysection.

  12. Does this Application Pack validate all prerequisites required for this installation like Memory, Disk Space, and so on?

    Yes. The pre-requisite checks are done by the respective application pack installer.

  13. What happens if it aborts during the installation of any application or products within an Application pack?

    You must restore the system and retrigger the installation

  14. Does this Application pack 'Roll Back' if any application installation fails due to errors?

    The rollback of installation is not supported.

  15. Does the Application pack install all applications bundled?

    All application pack system files are installed but there is an option to enable the licensed products.

  16. Can I re-install any of the Application Packs?

    You can retrigger in case of failure.

  17. Does this Application pack allow enabling or disabling any of the applications installed?

    Yes, you can enable but you cannot disable once the product is enabled in an environment.

  18. I have installed one application in an Application pack, can I install any of the new applications within the Application pack later?

    No, the installation of additional applications is not required. If you wish to add an application later, you can enable the application at that time.

  19. How many OFSAA Infrastructures can be installed in a single server?

    There is no issue in installing separate OFSAAI installations, each with their own PFT/FTP installations and separate associated database instances and separate web server installations on the same server as long as adequate memory is allocated for each instance and as long as each OFSAAI installation is installed using a separate UNIX user and profile. Care must be taken when running multiple OFSAAI installations on a single server. Adequate memory is required for each installation as several OFSAAI processes (model upload, DEFQ services, and so on) take significant amounts of memory. So it depends on your server's memory.

  20. Is it possible to install OFSAA Application pack on an existing 'Infodom' where another OFSAA application is installed?

    Yes. However, the Behavioral Detection Application Pack and Compliance Regulatory Reporting Application pack are the exceptions. They must be installed in a different Infodom.

  21. Can I select an Infodom for the Application pack during installation?

    Yes. You can select or change the required infodom.

  22. Can I install all Application Packs in a Single Infodom?

    Yes. But, the Behavioral Detection Application Pack and Compliance Regulatory Reporting Application Pack are the exceptions. They must be installed in a different Infodom.

  23. Is it possible to install applications on different Infodom within the Application pack (for example, I want to install HM and MR in two infodoms)?

    Applications within the application pack have to be installed in the same information domain in the same environment.

  24. How many Infodoms can be created over a single OFSAA Infrastructure of

    You can install only one infodom during installation. But after installation, you can create multiple infodoms.

  25. Is the 'Data Model' bundled specifically to an Application pack or an individual application?

    A merged data model for all applications within the application pack is bundled and uploaded.

  26. Is it possible to install OFS Enterprise Modeling later?

    OFS Enterprise Modeling is a separate product and can be enabled as an option later from any application pack that bundles Enterprise Modeling. For more information, see Enable Financial Services Enterprise Modeling on Another Application Pack section in the OFS AAAI Release Installation and Configuration Guide.

  27. Does the Application pack create a sandbox automatically for the required applications?

    Yes, Sandbox creation is part of the application install process.

  28. Are upgrade Kits available for individual applications or the complete Application Pack?

    Maintenance Level (ML) Release and Minor Release upgrades are available across all applications.

  29. Can I upgrade AAI only?

    Yes, you can upgrade AAI alone.

  30. Is it possible to uninstall any Application from the Application pack?

    No, it is not possible to uninstall any Application from the Application Pack.

  31. Can I uninstall the entire Application Pack?

    No, you cannot uninstall the Application Pack.

  32. Is it possible to uninstall only the application and retain AAI in the installed environment?

    No, you cannot uninstall only the application and retain AAI in the installed environment.

  33. Does Application Pack contain all Language Packs supported?

    Language Packs must be installed on the application packs.

  34. Can I install an Application Pack over another Application Pack (that is the same infodom or different infodom)?

    Yes, you can install an Application Pack over another Application Pack in the same information domain or different information domain. But Behavioral Detection Application Pack and Compliance Regulatory Reporting Application Pack, Asset Liability Management Application Pack, and Profitability Application Pack are the exceptions. They must be installed in a different Infodom.

  35. What should I do if I get the error message: HostName in the input XML file is not matching with the local hostname while running the schema creator utility?

    One possible reason can be the machine is configured for zonal partitioning. Ensure all the known IP Addresses of the machine are present in the /etc/hosts file.

  36. What are the Java versions supported in OFS HM Application Pack version

    See the Hardware and Software Requirements section.

  37. Is OFSAAAI Application Pack version supported on Java 9 and Java 11?

    For information about supported Java versions, see the Hardware and Software Requirements section

  38. What should I do when I get the message: "[ERROR] - Error: APP Setup bin file failed." during OFS_Application_PACK installation?

    This is a generic error message that appears during application installation failure. You must check the installation log files for more information about what failed the installation.

    However, if the message is displayed and the log files are not generated, this can be a temp directory issue. The resolution is that your UNIX administrator has to disable the NOEXEC option. The installers extract the installation files into the /tmp directory, and if NOEXEC is enabled, the execution of binaries will not happen in the directory and the installation fails. Re-run the installer after the configuration is changed. For detailed information, see the support note at https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=2340045.1.