5.1 Pre-installation Checklist

You can use this checklist to have a glance at everything that you will be doing before installing this application. The link provided in each step takes you to a section either within this document or to another referenced document.

The Installer Environment Check utility notifies you if any requirements are not met.

Table 5-1 Pre-Installation Checklist

Sl. No. Pre-installation Activity
1 Install all the prerequisite hardware and software given in the OFS Analytical Applications Technology Matrix.
2 Verify the System Environment using the Environment Check Utility.

Configure the following Operating System and File System settings:

  • File Descriptor
  • Total number of processes
  • Port(s)
  • .profile file permissions

Add FTP/SFTP configuration for file transfer

4 Configure the Database Instance settings.
5 Install and configure the web application server.
6 Configure the HTTP settings on the web server.

Mount the FSS to Compute Virtual Machine if you are deploying on the cloud server.

Note: This step is applicable only for deployment on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


Open the Network Ports for OFSAA Services if you are deploying on the cloud server.

Note: This step is applicable only for deployment on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


Update the following Environment Settings required for the installation in the .profile file:

  • Java settings
  • Oracle Database Server and Client settings
  • Add TNS entries in the TNSNAMES.ORA file
  • Oracle Essbase settings

Time Zone settings

10 Download the OFS HM installer kit and erwin data model.
11 Extract the installer kit.