OBIEE Server Configuration for Upgrade

Perform the following OBIEE server configuration steps. You can ignore the steps if OBIEE is already configured in your setup.
  1. Execute the following steps to implement the Writeback feature:
    1. Add the tag <LightWriteback>true</LightWriteback> in between <ServerInstance></ServerInstance> in the instanceconfig.xml file.

      For example:






    2. Copy the writeback.xml file available in the $FIC_HOME/OFS_HM_DASHBOARDS/ directory to the following OBIEE server directories. If customMessages directory is not present, create the directory manually.

      Path1: <BI Domain Home>/bidata/components/OBIPS/custommessages

      For example: /scratch/oraobiee/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi/bidata/components/OBIPS/custommessages

      Path2: <BI Domain Home>/bidata/service_instances/ssi/metadata/content/msgdb/l_en/customMessages

      For example:


    3. Restart BI Services.
    4. Login to OBIEE Analytics and navigate to Administration section on the right top corner.
    5. Click Manage Privileges and scroll down to Writeback.
    6. Grant Writeback to Database privilege to Authenticated User and BI Administrator roles.
  2. Perform the following OBIEE presentation server configuration steps:
    1. Navigate to the <<Oracle BI Instance Home>/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS directory.
    2. Edit the file instanceconfig.xml.
    3. Insert the following code within the XML tag <Views> </Views>.








    4. Insert the following code within the XML tag <Views> </Views>.











    5. Save the file and restart the BI services.


      Take a backup of the instanceconfig.xml file before making any changes.
  3. Perform the following RPD changes, to set the Early Warning Indicators 1 and 2:
    1. Open the Repository in Online or Offline mode.
    2. Select Manage and then select Variables.
    3. Navigate to hierarchy Repository, select Variables, and then select Static.
    4. Modify EARLYWARNIND1 and EARLYWARNIND2 variable values as required.
    5. Save and commit the changes to RPD.


      You must redeploy the RPD on the BI server if you have made changes in the offline mode.
  4. For OBIEE reporting, configure the following:
    1. Navigate to the <<obiee <<Oracle BI Instance Home>/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIJH directory.
    2. Modify the config.xml file.
    3. Increase the parameter value for the following tag:








    4. Save the config.xml file.
    5. Navigate to the <<obiee <<Oracle BI Instance Home>/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS directory.
    6. Modify the instanceconfig.xml file.
    7. Increase the parameter value for tag if already exists or add the following code:


















      under <Views> tag

    8. Save the instanceconfig.xml file.
    9. Restart the BI Services.